Deep litter method in Run


Mar 2, 2021
Rhode Island USA 🇺🇸 Zone 6b
Hello, I’ve been working on coop for sometime now. My girls are in a 10 x10 dog kennel with a temporary small coop.
I started with shavings and dislike them so changed I’ve to horse pellet bedding.
I now have what I think is deep litter.
The rune is covered with tarps but we did have a hurricane and heavy rain over summer, so about 6 “ down it’s damp.
The girls do dust bath all over run.
Is this method of?
I really like the horse bedding because I have large compost area.
I don’t want a bunch of sand
I do treat with lime and stall deodorizer
Deep litter is an active composting system which works best with a mix of different materials and textures.

But if your deep layer of pine pellets is working then don't fix what isn't broken. :)
Hi this is what I’m using
Horse bedding pellets
I use shavings under coop area and a little in run. What else should I use? It’s breaking down underneath bedding. But If I should use other materials Is like to know.
When my coop is done I do plan on using pellets
Thank you
You should use whatever method and material that works well for your situation, your climate, your locally-available materials, and your personal preference in re: cleaning, scooping poop, etc. :)

I personally like a mixture of materials and textures, which I think makes the bedding/litter less likely to pack, mat, and develop anaerobic pockets. Primarily, I use pine shavings, pine straw, straw, and dry leaves.

Many people consider coarse wood chips -- the sort you get from a tree-trimming service -- the gold standard for long-lasting odor control and mud control.

Some people use more exotic beddings such as hemp and coffee grounds.

You're not the only one using those horse pellets, for sure. :)

What works for you works. If you don't have an odor problem or other trouble then don't fix what isn't broken. :D

This is my article on Deep Bedding. I'm working on another about Deep Litter, but haven't collected enough information yet.

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