Hi! I'm almost finished with my coop/run areas and my chicks will be here in a couple weeks so it will be some time before they are actually luxuriating in their new abode but I have discovered the idea of the deep little method. I love the idea but figured with our purchase of the SnapLock Coop (pictures from TS included), that it wasn't possible. The coop itself has 2 pull out trays which slide in over the base of the coop and we are putting this coop on a wooden base to elevate it for ease of cleaning, collecting eggs, additional predator protection, etc. I was looking at it the other day and was thinking - what if I don't use the pull out trays and just pile the shavings in the base "tray"? Would that work for the DLM? I could even put some hardware cloth around it to fortify it a little more, even though it snaps on, as I'm doing that with the vents anyway - snakes, ewww - my mind is working. (As my wonderful hubs says - "everyone watch out!")
Has anyone ever used the DLM for a coop like this? If I can't do it that's fine - I'm sure we'll end up with a bigger coop eventually - chicken math factoring in - but was curious. I need to stop watching videos and seeing what everyone is doing as you guys are giving me way too many ideas and my husband is about to pull his hair out -
Thanks for any experience/advice you can give.
Has anyone ever used the DLM for a coop like this? If I can't do it that's fine - I'm sure we'll end up with a bigger coop eventually - chicken math factoring in - but was curious. I need to stop watching videos and seeing what everyone is doing as you guys are giving me way too many ideas and my husband is about to pull his hair out -
Thanks for any experience/advice you can give.