Deep Litter Method.....

I use the DLM too, but I also scoop up what's directly under the roost and dump it. Then I add more shavings and stir it up. So far no problems - oh, I use DE every week too.
Hi Moonlitfarms: Let's see if I can explain this properly for you. DLM (Deep Litter Method) is one way of cleaning out your chicken house (or, rather, not cleaning it out). People generally put three to four inches of wood shavings or such on the floor of their hen house in the spring. Then, through the summer, fall and winter, they continue to turn that under once or twice a month (or more if you wish) and add another two inches of new wood shavings once a month or so. This all depends on how many birds you have as to how often you need to turn it and how much and often you add to it.

By using the DLM you can go one year without completely cleaning out the hen house. You would do a complete 100% clean out in the following spring and start all over again. Some people will do the DLM but still clean out once in the fall and once in the spring. The general thought on using DLM is that by winter your chickens will have a nice deep litter under them to help keep them warm through those colds months.

DE: Diatomaceous Earth. Try googling it and you will get a great education. But, in simple terms, this great stuff (only use food grade) can be sprinkled anywhere (including in their food) and will help to kill many types of insects and nasties both inside and outside the chicken. It's safe for all animals and is sprinkled in stalls, feeders, nest boxes, etc.

If I'm not clear or am incorrect or need additional info I hope someone will jump in and add to this.
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Chirpy is right on.

Might I just double stress one point - the DE must be food grade. It will often be labled Codex Grade Fossil Shell Flour. Permaguard is one of the purest brands available.

You can look for it through Custom Milling or
Okay, I checked the book "How To Raise Chickens" by Christine Heinricks, page 104. Basically I think she is talking about the ability to compost and by composting, raising the temperature (due to the natural breakdown of the poop and shavings etc) with the dirt floor. This is great if you need compost. I, on the the other hand, just want a clean, dry and warm coop, and I don't have a dirt floor. After seeing the squaller my hens lived in before I got them (basically no bedding at all) DLM sounded good to me. And still is. The coop is ancient, wood floors, odd windows, etc, but it works and most important, it is as safe as possible. It is clean, dry, and when I get the windows up for the winter, it will be cozy. I hate to say this, but my coop is so user friendly I sometimes take a snooze in it with the girls.

I have at least 6-10" of shavings. I clean up obvious poop every other day, and refresh the shavings when needed. Every time I add new shavings I also add DE. There are almost no flies or any other insects around, and almost no odor. I used to work in a cancer screening lab, and I was the "canary" so to speak, because I have a very good sense of smell, vapors. The coop smells pretty good to me, or I wouldn't nap there, right?

So those of you with wood/concrete floors, I wouldn't worry. The DE and DRYNESS of the coop is the important thing. Also, as an aside, too much of anything is not such a great thing. I have to keep myself from using too much DE. Just my thoughts.
I do the DLM also. My situation is that my coop is a small thing with a wire bottom, but raised above the ground about 6/8 " It has a metal tray underneath to pull out from behind to clean out the droppings. Yeah right. I just keep filling the coop with pine shavings, and every day I scoop out the poo with a kitty litter scooper and fluff up their litter. I add more shavings accordingly.

I've never had stink problems, oh I do use the DE once every 2 wks or so, just sprinkle alittle in there and in their run and leave be.

No flies either! I'm supposing that I'll clean it all out before winter sets in, and dump the old litter into compost, and clean everything up and add fresh stuff for the winter. Don't know, never did this before, but from what everyone else is saying, guess I'm doing OK!
Nothing personal, but we've see the deep litter method questions / thread about a zillion times.

Can a few members PLLLLLEEEEEAAAASSSEEEE create personal pages about DLM (Deep Litter Method) that we can add to the BYC site and to the FAQ of the forum?

Descriptions, how-to, pictures would be FANTASTIC!!!
I'm doing DLM, but I'm not sure I'm doing it right.

I clean every day with a fine-tined pitchfork, so I get out the vast majority of poop. I only add a couple handfuls of bedding every week or so (to a 4-8 area). I have not noticed ANY heat and/or composting going on. The litter has not been changed in at least 10 weeks, and is still extremely clean. I have a wood floor underneath, and it's clean and dry.

Personally, I don't care whether the bedding ever composts. I just like the ease and cleanliness of deep wood shavings. And there's NO odor at all.
This explaination was great!! Thank you so much. I guess in order to do this you would need a board across the doorway of the coop in order to hold the shavings in. I guess I'm off to the farm store to get my wood shavings!!! Thanks to all, I just love this site. I have the how to book but nothing is better than real live advice from those who live it.

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