Definite cockerel or boyish pullet?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Apr 8, 2013

I have some bantams, most likely OEGB, and one, the blue pictured far right, I picked knowing it was a rooster. Now the other three have no comb or waddle like the middle bird pictured so I'm certain they're hens. However, little one on the left, has had this small comb and waddle and they're paler than the rooster. Making some squeaks that are sounding crow ish, but also mimics the hawk squall outside. I'm thinking a rooster, but my housemates really are hoping it is just a confused hen and wanted me to post here.
And looking at the feathers and coloring, I'm feeling secure in my assessment.

We bought from a local woman's hatchery and she sold us 7 other chickens and I'd been accurate so far on all of them (unfortunately that means only 3 have been proven hens) and the jury is still out on the silkie.

When I got the five bantams I also got them five random standards, since I knew so many of the other 7 were male and so far they have only kept 2 maran females of that batch, a polish roo, and the silkie.

I'm going to be taking photos of the other 5 standards to see what others think on their sex shortly. This is rambling, apologies. Opinions?
Thank you. I think they just simply don't want to believe me. I think when it gets more than a squeak out it will sink into them. We went through a similar dispute with the polish.

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