Deformed bottom beak?


5 Years
Apr 14, 2014
I have a light brahma that is 8 weeks old. I noticed at four weeks her bottom beak was a third the size of her upper beak and there was a pea sized pooch under her bottom beak. The break is pointy, so I don't think it has been broken and the pooch is soft and floppy. I've searched all over and can't find anything on lower breaks that are deformed or not growing and it doesn't appear to be scissors beak. All of the other chickies seem to be just fine. Any ideas? Tried to get a picture, but she won't sit still!
I don't know if this would be helpful to you or not.....but I found this......
I don't know what the lump under beak would be..

Nutritional Deficiencies: Many beak deformities are caused by simple nutritional deficiencies. The most common are methionine, sulpha, biotin (a vitamin) and calcium. Without enough of these the beak material doesn't form properly and tends to bend rather than wear properly. All of these are common deficiencies in the typical diets fed to cage and aviary birds around the world. The problem is easily solved by supplementing with a good quality supplement, such as "Daily Essentials3 and CalciBoost". Remember that the 'new' beak material will take 9-12 months to reach the 'wearing zone' so some beak trimming may be required in the meantime.
Thanks for your reference, Mustang56. I'll try one of the supplements suggested long term. Crossing my fingers!
sounds like a plan... =)
try not to worry to much about the beak..... these birds are tough and learn to eat with their unusually shaped beaks....
now the lump under the beak.... I have no idea..... hopefully someone can help you...!

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