Deformed legs


5 Years
Jul 14, 2014
Hello, I have a little RIR that had deformed legs. I think he had splay(?) legs, but I didn't notice it til it was too late. His one leg sticks out to the side and a little to the back. The knee (?) bone is large, and thick and his little toes just kinda jiggle. His other leg is kinda bowlegged, but he manages to get around ok. He is about 12 weeks. I did try some of the techniques for splay leg, but they just didn't work. I have a 2 story coop, and he can get down ok, but can't get back up. Should I cull him? Will he be a lure for predators towards my other chickens? Would he have much of a life?? He won't be able to do his roosterly duties, but I feel so bad for him.
thx Juleeque
I'll try to get a pic
I’m no expert by any means, but I have a silkie with similar issues. I put him outside with the others initially but the nightly putting him in the coop in addition to other factors just became too much. I moved him back to the brooder box where he has stayed and started many chicks. My plan has been to cull when I see a quality of life issue with the current situation. I think you have to make that same decision based on your individual situation
yes, I have had those same thoughts. :hmm especially when I see him lying on the ground getting poop all over him. I so hate culling them, we had to cull another one from this clutch early on, due to cross beek. So would a deformed leg be caused in the shell? before they hatch?
Some chicks are born with leg bone deformities, and some worsen as the chicken grows. Varus valgus deformity, twisted tibias, and tendon ruptures are some of them usually due to mineral deficiency in the parents or heredity. Rickets is another that is caused by a calcium and phosphorus deficiency.

I would tend to try and let him get along, perhaps make him a coop on the ground, and maybe one of the others will become a friend. A lot depends if they can get enough food and water to survive, or if they can remain mobile.

Do you have any pictures of him standing to share? Here are some links to read about leg bone deformities:

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