Delawares from kathyinmo

The first pict that was one of her German NH I got . They are beautiful birds. I love them because they appear gentle so far. They run to me not away.
Talking now of the Dels. The feathering of their wings have caught up with each other. I still have them marked. The first wk part of them had no secondary feathers and others were definitely feathered in. I am still thinking they maybe able to be feather sexed at that age. They also were shaped a bit different. The ones without the secondary feathers were long and slender the others more rounded. I am watching and trying to keep them marked. It is interesting.
I am moving them to the outdoor coop with light today. They will still be kept warm but will have areas that will not be warm also to venture into. The temps here at night get into the 40's. No drafts just yet though. I have 30 chicks altogether now. The Dels, Gnh, Jaerhons, orps, and Doms.

Thanks so much for posting the pic Kim
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Mine are a later hatch [4/24/ship] but no tail feathers showing yet just primary wing. No bald butts except one I might have pulled some off removing " pasty butts" . Balance are fuzzy butts.
Change water to Mother and regular vitamins and poops are starting to firm up already.
Caught this little one playing "Big Bird " on the roost by itself.
It was sleeping and noticed head was getting lower and lower so grabbed a camera.
When the flash went off it fell off and recovered just before hitting the grit dish below.
Roost only 3.5" high so no injuries LOL
Anyone seeing greenish legs? I have 2 - 3 out of the 21. The rest are nice and yellow. Some Del chicks I purchased last fall came with very white legs but all turned yellow as they got older, I was advised that might happen. Hmmm..............
Anyone seeing greenish legs?

No, but the shade of yellow/orange varies in mine. From what I have read, Kathy culls any with green legs.

Here is my very limited experience with green legs... Some of my Dels from BB started looking a little greenish at 5 weeks old. Kathy said to cull them or I'd never get rid of it. BB told me to wait and see what they looked like at maturity. He said that he thought that he had bred that out. Walt said they didn't look that green and to wait and see.
At 20 weeks, only one pullet still had greenish yellow legs. All the others now looked yellow/orange. The first breeding from those birds produced chicks with bright yellow/orange legs. The second (current and last) breeding produced two chicks with greenish yellow legs. The rest are bright yellow/orange. I've noticed that the ones with the greenish legs are smaller, also.

I have one chick with a big bare butt now. I have them out on the grass in a cage today since it's so warm out.
Anyone seeing greenish legs? I have 2 - 3 out of the 21. The rest are nice and yellow. Some Del chicks I purchased last fall came with very white legs but all turned yellow as they got older, I was advised that might happen. Hmmm..............
Now that you mention it I thought I saw one with greenish tint to legs but didn't look close. Presumed it was just dirty yellow . I am moving them to redo brooder with something to control the sticky feet and will inspect and report. Mine are only about 16 days old though .
Yep two with green legs - one a darker green than the other which appears a mix green & yellow
This chick is the darker green of the two and biggest- I'm guessing a cockerel but never positive at this age
Yep two with green legs - one a darker green than the other which appears a mix green & yellow
This chick is the darker green of the two and biggest- I'm guessing a cockerel but never positive at this age
I am surprised we are seeing this in a re-created line, maybe I should not be. Anyone have any insight? I have read a lot about this in the other Del. threads and not something I have had to deal with fortunately. I will cull these birds, no test mating here.
Well the broody mama got aggressive scratching for feed and one of the Dealware chicks no longer has use of one of it's legs. I still haven't culled it yet... it seems to get around so well hopping on one leg, but I know it's just a matter of time until I find it expired unless I do the deed myself.

I also noticed that the SLW seems to keep it's distance from the rest of the group. I'm going to put it in the brooder with the other two Dels and the NN.

The two in the brooder with the naked neck, seem to be growing faster than the chicks with the broody mama.

I see no green legs at all in the fourteen chicks.
I just read about this thread on the other Delaware thread, I am glad its here. I am setting eggs on Tuesday from my hens from Kathys stock, and for sure want more, eggs or chicks.

I had heard that Kathy had pneumonia, is that over ?? How is she?

I dont have her email now, maybe will google her. Anyhow, I am glad this thread is here, I am looking forward to hearing how others are doing with her line. Its a good one from all that I read, she has put a lot of work into them.

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