Delawares from kathyinmo

I was looking at your yard and thinking it looked a lot like my own. We have had to cut down and back half the trees around it this yr. With all this rain this year every thing is so very lush and green. I live on the side of a mtn. There is 400 feet of slanting hillside in front of me down to a small stream. I wish I had that amt. of land on both sides. If I did I could let the chicks out to roam. As it is there are dogs on both sides. Sigh I would have to put ups 6ft. fences on all four sides . Needless to say that cost big bucks. So I put up as big a run as I can afford and add to as I can. I have some of Kathys Dels too. I love them. I can't for the life of me post pic. I know I am a knuckle head. It just won't work for me though. I devided with my brother earlier and i am afraid I gave him my Roos. I was going to keep at least one. Shucks! I kept three. One has the Columbian markings and will not be breeding material for sure , one is a bit small and one looks good but I am almost sure it is a girl now. A pretty one though if it is. Oh well, maybe I can talk my brother into giving me one back. He got a good num. from me anyway.
We just don't put the name on the package then you don't know who your eating . Just Ages to determine cook method.

Gloria Jean
What type computer system do you have . loading pictures on here is fairly easy and I'm not very computer friendly.
I have a Apple so if you have that I may be able to talk you thru it but if you are running windows I'm lost.

I'm not sure a 6' fence would work unless buried to prevent under entry and electric strands to prevent over entry. Some coyotes can climb and once they learn it all over. We have a 4' fence and I have seen Hounds go over it many times. When I was younger we had a pair of Beagles named Dot and Dash and we had to cover the run to keep them in. We boarded them with a vet one weekend to go out of town and when he let them out in the run they went over 3' concrete with a 6' chain link fence on top of it . Vet said it took them about 10 minutes to escape and cost him $5000 to cover all his runs LOL Thats why I use the Enet .
I have windows Vista. I have Google and I have Windows to run. Neither will load the pictures on this site. They will work with facebook fine. Go figure. Thanks for trying. I have sometimes sent them to someone by email, who then put them on for me. I am just not a computer person I guess. Sigh! I have a new laptop with the windows 8 that is truly driving me batty and I hate to even open. It intimidates me terrible with things jumping on the screen unbidden and off without my permission.
I want to toss it against the wall sometimes. I WILL LEARN to use the thing if it kills me but a little at a time. I have a show and tell book, the only way a visual person like me can handle such a a a a a a oh what should I call it. Well , I won't call it what it needs to be. They should never have made such a program. Why, oh , Why, can't they make any thing simple to use; and have it stable.
Getting back to chickens, My Dels are really growing nicely. I have one really pretty hen, possibly another. I called my Br. about my goof at sending him both my roos and he laughed really good at me. I really did send him all of them I am afraid. I will get one of them back for my breeding I think if all goes well. I only need two hens and a roo. I do not have room for many over winter but two or three nice hens and a roo. Dell would be great.
If you can crochet you should be able to post Pics . I can't crochet LOL
The pop ups happen to me all the time so don't feel bad. Its usually when my curser
is on one of those side adds and you touch the control pad.
I usually blow up my page till no adds ore on side.
With windows 8 you have pop up windows of menus all over the page without ever going on anything. That' s what I ment to say. You turn on the puter and slide the pointer over the page and they are everywhere. You want to scream at them to go away. You do not want them right now. Then when you need them find them if you can. They stubbornly stay hidden.!!!!!!
Was wondering if anyone had any updated picks of their Delawares now? I always love to see how my bird's relatives are progressing and how they look now compared to mine. Any new pics?

Here's a few of some of mine. They are so elusive and living their lives in the bush that I have trouble with spontaneous pics. The only time they will come in or get close is with feeding. I'm going to have a devil of a time finding THOSE eggs when they come along....

I call this pic New Rock, Old Rock. This is one of the spectacular WRs Kathy sent alongside her foster mama, a 6 yr old WR, who sat infertile eggs and is making these youngsters pay for it by following them around and trying to mother them. As you can see..they need no mama now. Big girls!

These birds have established a home out in one particular section of our woods I call The Honey Bear Hideout. They spend most of their time there and take occasional forays out into the adjacent meadows for greenery..but mostly they are bug huntin' all day and staying cool. Smart birds!

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Was wondering if anyone had any updated picks of their Delawares now? I always love to see how my bird's relatives are progressing and how they look now compared to mine. Any new pics?

Here's a few of some of mine. They are so elusive and living their lives in the bush that I have trouble with spontaneous pics. The only time they will come in or get close is with feeding. I'm going to have a devil of a time finding THOSE eggs when they come along....

I call this pic New Rock, Old Rock. This is one of the spectacular WRs Kathy sent alongside her foster mama, a 6 yr old WR, who sat infertile eggs and is making these youngsters pay for it by following them around and trying to mother them. As you can see..they need no mama now. Big girls!

These birds have established a home out in one particular section of our woods I call The Honey Bear Hideout. They spend most of their time there and take occasional forays out into the adjacent meadows for greenery..but mostly they are bug huntin' all day and staying cool. Smart birds!

Bee - Mighty pretty birds.
I will be posting my 18 week pics in about two weeks when I try to make some selections. That may take some time and help from ya'll because I am changing my opinion every time I sit and watch. Some slow starters seem to be passing some early good lookers.
I have a question , In your center pic is the back bird the White Rock ?
I ask because I am supposed to have been shipped one of your White Rocks and all mine have Delaware marking so maybe Kathy was mistaken and put the orange tag on a Delaware.
I sure don'y have any all white birds .

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