Delawares from kathyinmo

Also how does one go about weighing a chicken?

We have a produce-type scale with a largish flat top and a big dial front ... only goes up to 25 lbs. and is reasonably accurate when tested against other scales We put it on the table in the feed room, then weigh the birds at night. They will usually settle enough to get a weight. A cardboard box might help with this ...

For the turkeys we just step on the bathroom scale while holding the bird. That's pretty accurate when tested against a friend's certified commercial "fish scale" ... get it? fish scale?
Well, that is a nice compliment. Walt says he is a nice guy, but for some reason he rubs me the wrong way. (I am sure I am wrong, because I trust Walt.) I just don't like it when (it seems to me) people want to make everything into a massive marketing tool and money maker. To me, having chickens is enjoyable and I do also enjoy a little challenge, which I get with breeding. I do not show, but I enjoy breeding for those who do show! I also do not make money from my chickens. I have never been out of the red with raising chickens, and I never will be.

I agree with you. That is exactly my problem with him and I even told him so, when I met him. I pointed out that many people, like myself, who choose to breed these older breeds don't make money off them, so can't afford his *flock certification*.

Ahhhh. The picture is becoming more clear. I didn't read the "certification" thing between the lines of the article championing "his" Dels behind the sweet face of 4-H.

As excited as I am to start helping to restore cool breeds, and I do think Delaware is the coolest I've read about (a close second being Buckeye), I can't say I'm looking forward to surfing the politics.
Does anyone know what happened to the Delaware Poultry Club? The website is still up but the facebook page is now down (or at least I can't find it anymore!). That club seemed to have fizzled out but I have no idea what happened. If anyone has information I'd love to know. You can send me a direct message if you'd rather not put it here. Thanks!

This is the club I'm talking about:
Newman - I dont think the Del club is very active . Don't do Facebook so can't help there.
I think I sent 5 years of dues in about 2 years ago and never heard a word back .
To get rolling they need a member forum on the site but it seems most of those people are on BYC.

Weight scale - We use this w/ 5 gal bucket - stick em in head first and get reading before they realize whats up LOL- wife got on Ebay or Amazon- We use small kitchen scale for young birds.

Here is B64 which will be # 1 Cock @ 30 weeks

And this will be his Backup #B60 @ 30 weeks

A couple random pullet Pics @ 30 weeks

Some columbian going on but I only have 5 to start with so will see what they and B64 produce.
Two of the pullets have good type.
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You guys talking about weighing your chickens and trying to keep them calm reminded me of my childhood (just a couple of years ago LOL) with my Grandpa on his farm. He taught me if you want to keep a chicken in one spot day or night just tuck there head in between there wing and body and while holding it in both hands swing gently for just a minute and lay it down. It will stay there asleep. Seems like it worked.

Newman - I dont think the Del club is very active . Don't do Facebook so can't help there.
I think I sent 5 years of dues in about 2 years ago and never heard a word back .
To get rolling they need a member forum on the site but it seems most of those people are on BYC.

Weight scale - We use this w/ 5 gal bucket - stick em in head first and get reading before they realize whats up LOL- wife got on Ebay or Amazon- We use small kitchen scale for young birds.

Here is B64 which will be # 1 Cock @ 30 weeks

And this will be his Backup #B60 @ 30 weeks

A couple random pullet Pics @ 30 weeks

Some columbian going on but I only have 5 to start with so will see what they and B64 produce.
Two of the pullets have good type.
Thanks for the reply... I hate to hear that about your dues... I wouldn't mind getting the club up and running but don't know who to contact outside of the email address they post on the site. I like BYC but I find it hard to follow unless you stay with it daily, a forum would be nice so you can see particular topics. Anyway, thanks for the reply. Love your birds, I assume these are from Kathy's line? which F# are they?
Thanks for the reply... I hate to hear that about your dues... I wouldn't mind getting the club up and running but don't know who to contact outside of the email address they post on the site. I like BYC but I find it hard to follow unless you stay with it daily, a forum would be nice so you can see particular topics. Anyway, thanks for the reply. Love your birds, I assume these are from Kathy's line? which F# are they?
Try sending a PM to Joletabey on here. I spoke with her a couple of months ago and offered to help get the site up and running again even though I am pretty computer iliterate. She was going to let someone else know who was working on it and I never heard back.
Thanks for the reply... I hate to hear that about your dues... I wouldn't mind getting the club up and running but don't know who to contact outside of the email address they post on the site. I like BYC but I find it hard to follow unless you stay with it daily, a forum would be nice so you can see particular topics. Anyway, thanks for the reply. Love your birds, I assume these are from Kathy's line? which F# are they?
I agree about the site and forum . I don' mind about the dues - $5 year is not a big deal I would just like a site all Del Breeders can go too.
I wish I could help but I'm old school and still use a pencil for a lot of things. If my computer doesn't work I need to call my son because I'm lost. lOL
Lets help promote quality in the Breed. A lot of people get interested in Dels but IMHO it is a very hard breed to get close to SOP and
in this day everything needs to have instant gratification. LOL So they loose interest.

Yes these Pics are the few F4s I have from Kathyinmo.
I also have 4 Del hens about 4 weeks older [ 2 From Wekiva and 2 from Chickcharney ]

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