Delawares from kathyinmo

I'll take a pic of mine today....I'm very pleased with their size, shape and uniformity and now with the color variation. I'm going to incubate some of them this weekend for a practice hatch on my DIY incubator.
Some misc. egg info: I collected hatching eggs from the 4 breeder pullets 1/28 - 2/6.
They are mostly in the 60 gram range. The smallest is 55G and the biggest is 69G. Large sized eggs. These are still pullet eggs, they won't be a year old until the end of April.
W36= 7 eggs. O36= 6. B10= 6. O37= 4. Total of 24 eggs in 10 days.

A couple of these pullets are feisty and peck my boot whenever I enter the breeding pens. The Columbian marked one has grabbed my pant leg a few times. I decided to correct that behavior, so I gave them a kick. Now, they are thinking twice. The males are shy and have never given me any trouble.

I'm going to guess that @Beekissed has made a surrogate hen incubator of some sort. Maybe out of a lamp shade with lightbulb? I saw something like that, somewhere.
Since you say breeding pens I am presuming you have the 4 best / largest of th group I the pens. We are still getting a couple eggs in the low 50 range.
Thanks for posting the info for comparison.
We just weighed the cockerels again on 2/2 which I think are same age as yours - ship date 4/25/13.
# 1 B64 Bert 7 lbs 7 oz
#2 B58 Ernie 7 lbs 3 oz
So Ernie is gradually catching up to # 1 Cockeral .

Wish Bee would hurry on this bator invention because I can't sleep thinking about it . Well, other than the 7 hours I'm in bed.
Close....but no banana. Still working out the fine details of the incubator and's a process.
Hope to have it ready by tomorrow or the next day but may run into snags...remains to be seen.
Got a pic of my Del eggs but it came out a little pastel in coloring...don't know quite why as my camera has never done that before. Must have been the lighting. I'll be hatching out some of these if all goes well in my incubation I started today.

Oh...BTW...I started that hatch and you'll find the thread in that section of the forum. I call it the Simulated Natural Nest Incubation experiment.

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