Delawares from kathyinmo

The chicks I call colored came from a Delaware rooster over a Delaware colored hen that is a F2 the same as what you all are breeding. The F2 hen came from some F1s that I had gotten from Kathy.

I am confused by this statement. Pure Delaware chicks are yellow. What color do you mean by colored chicks?
With the Delawares originating from the Barred Rock x New Hampshire I think that the NH colour shows up some and I believe those birds should be culled and not bred forward but I'm not totally sure........... Anyone else with info. on this????
With the Delawares originating from the Barred Rock x New Hampshire I think that the NH colour shows up some and I believe those birds should be culled and not bred forward but I'm not totally sure...........  Anyone else with info. on this????

I guess you are probably right but boy I hate that. I was expecting great things from that one and only hen I have. I do have NH and BR I guess I could start over but do not really want to.

I was under the impression mine are F4, from Kathy last year. I have only two chicks hatched so far, both are yellow. I will have to look closer now to see if there is any darker color mixed in. I also bred one of my Kathy Del. pullets to a Rhode Island Red for sexlinks. Have two males from those, both yellow. I am keeping them because I want to learn how to caponize.
FYI I had chicks hatch today. The rooster was a Delaware and the hens were one F -2 Delaware colored hen and the other one was a New Hampshire both came from Kathy but my breedings. The F2 chicks came with some color they have dark brown spots on the top of head and sides of back. The Hamp chicks are solid yellow.


I have two out of four hatched, this evening late is day 21. They are my first F'5's from Kathy's F'4's :) These four are from the smallest pullet but correctly coloured hackles/tail and that had white legs as a chick but are now are a light yellow. Not as deep yellow as the other 3 pullets or 3 cockerals I am using. Will be interesting to see how they grow out for sure!

Scott, if you would post pics as they grow I would love to see. In the fall I may cross one of these Delaware cockerals over my New Hamps (came from Luanne D'Amico who I think got her start on them from Kathy) to try to speed up their feathering/growth. The F'4's were very slow to develop, I think I had mine in the brooder for 7 weeks before they were fully feathered. My other breeds are ready to go out at 4 - 5 weeks.

With the Delawares originating from the Barred Rock x New Hampshire I think that the NH colour shows up some and I believe those birds should be culled and not bred forward but I'm not totally sure........... Anyone else with info. on this????

With your hen being only F2, maybe it is too soon to be culling for colour?? Kathy could probably help with the answers if she stops by :)

I was under the impression mine are F4, from Kathy last year. I have only two chicks hatched so far, both are yellow. I will have to look closer now to see if there is any darker color mixed in. I also bred one of my Kathy Del. pullets to a Rhode Island Red for sexlinks. Have two males from those, both yellow. I am keeping them because I want to learn how to caponize.
Need advise being newbie on this hatching .
Moved both broody hens to a new location.
put fresh eggs under and in three days both nests have had a egg or two broken
Now we have dried egg yoke with bedding stuck on almost all eggs - one set is worse than the other.
Scraped bedding off as best we could but still have the yoke etc
Try to Clean ? Chuck the eggs ? or let it go as is .
Saving more eggs now and finally yesterday got eggs from all three available Blue line [kathys] F4 hens

The other two are the Brood sisters[ only have five total ]
I think the next batch goes in the foamabator LOL
Need advise being newbie on this hatching .
Moved both broody hens to a new location.
put fresh eggs under and in three days both nests have had a egg or two broken
Now we have dried egg yoke with bedding stuck on almost all eggs - one set is worse than the other.
Scraped bedding off as best we could but still have the yoke etc
Try to Clean ? Chuck the eggs ? or let it go as is .
Saving more eggs now and finally yesterday got eggs from all three available Blue line [kathys] F4 hens

The other two are the Brood sisters[ only have five total ]
I think the next batch goes in the foamabator LOL
I would get some fine sandpaper and carefully sand the big chunks of yolk and shavings off the eggs and not worry about the rest, and put them back under the hens. That being said, I have never had this happen but what I would do if it did.

Are your broodies by themselves or are other hens climbing into the nests to lay as well? If they are isolated, not sure why the eggs are getting broken.

I like to incubate the eggs in my incubator, hatch them, then sneak them under the broodies at night. Has worked really well for me as my hatch rates are normally high using the incubator and I have only once had a young broody not take care of the chicks so had to bring them back to my brooder to raise myself. If you try this, don't place the chicks under the hen, place them by her and let them find their own place under her. The one time I placed them, I came in the morning to find two dead chicks, I assume suffocated. Usually the broody starts clucking to the chicks almost right away but if she is not talking to them by morning she usually won't be a good Mom. Just my personal experiences :)
Thanks for the Whoohoo on the chicks Kim!! So far 3 out and the 4th is pipped but I have a feeling it won't make it, not officially day 22 till tonight and I usually have completed hatches by the beginning of day 22 but do leave eggs in till day 23 just in case, no longer though.

3 more batches in the incubator each a week apart. Every Wed. night eggs are going into the incubator and every Sunday night eggs are going into the hatcher, for now.......
I would get some fine sandpaper and carefully sand the big chunks of yolk and shavings off the eggs and not worry about the rest, and put them back under the hens. That being said, I have never had this happen but what I would do if it did.

Are your broodies by themselves or are other hens climbing into the nests to lay as well? If they are isolated, not sure why the eggs are getting broken.

I like to incubate the eggs in my incubator, hatch them, then sneak them under the broodies at night. Has worked really well for me as my hatch rates are normally high using the incubator and I have only once had a young broody not take care of the chicks so had to bring them back to my brooder to raise myself. If you try this, don't place the chicks under the hen, place them by her and let them find their own place under her. The one time I placed them, I came in the morning to find two dead chicks, I assume suffocated. Usually the broody starts clucking to the chicks almost right away but if she is not talking to them by morning she usually won't be a good Mom. Just my personal experiences :)
I made two brooder boxes out of totes - one for hen#57 and one for hen#63 [ the brood sisters]
They are in a 6'x10' dog run set up under my barn covered back porch area.
The totes are about 40" apart and have food/water hanging in between.
The only problem I have seen is when 57 comes out for refreshments she wants to also get
envolved in what #63 is doing in her nest.
Some times they are switching nests.
#63 seems to be the most persistent on getting the job done but 57 sits also.
Maybe 57 always wants the others nest - don't know

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