Delawares from kathyinmo

Ron - you are Rolling - keep er going

Kathy - glad to hear you will keep the Del line going and may your health issues be over quick with favorable results

on the Broody sisters- Left to go out of town yesterday and both were out of nest - checked egg temp and 60 degrees - they were on nest last night
but egg temps this AM was 59 degrees and they were off nest - So I think they have given up this hatch- the have been on nest since first of March so they gave it a good shot.To bad there were no fertile eggs available when they started They are now back to the breeding group . I did check all the eggs and 14 of 18 were fertile. These Eggs were a mixture of F4s , Redline Dels , PNHs and EEs
Have 12 F5 eggs and 12 other mix ready and cranking up the Bator Sunday.

Well I set 8 del. eggs under my ameracuana hen three days ago. Today she kicked out two of them. I checked and they were not fertile. Now how did she know?
We don't know - its a well kept trade secret - I ask but just can't get them to tell me. Might have to try water boarding or something to get the info .LOL
Mother Nature is amazing isn't she ?
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Here is a picture of the little one:

Not surprising really, as these lines begin to hatch out exponentially you could potentially see a chick or two pop up for a couple (or several) generations. No long corresponding scientific study information substantiating this other than to say "it can happen". Remembering how this all got started and breeding to a standard then this bird would not qualify. As the SOP principles are applied through generations then these "potentials" should become less.
Not surprising really, as these lines begin to hatch out exponentially you could potentially see a chick or two pop up for a couple (or several) generations. No long corresponding scientific study information substantiating this other than to say "it can happen". Remembering how this all got started and breeding to a standard then this bird would not qualify. As the SOP principles are applied through generations then these "potentials" should become less.
Thanks for your input! I have 2 of 6 out so far in my current hatch and they are both completely yellow. Don't know how much of this thread you have read but these are F'5's of this new recreated line.
My 2nd Delaware hatch finished up today and was dismal. Only two of six hatched. One pipped upside down at the narrow end and I had them standing up in egg cartons so I assumed it suffocated. The other three were the first set from my favorite pullet. She lays a very round, large egg. They never pipped. I opened the eggs and the chicks were fully formed but had not absorbed the egg sack. One had a very thin membrane and liquid came pouring out so I assume that one drowned. The other two had a very thick membrane.

In the same hatch were 26 New Hampshires all of which hatched and 7 of 11 BCM hatched so I do not think it was the hatcher conditions.

I sure hope I can get some of the nice pullets eggs to hatch, have 5 more of hers due to hatch next Wednesday. Keep your fingers crossed for me!!!
My 2nd Delaware hatch finished up today and was dismal. Only two of six hatched. One pipped upside down at the narrow end and I had them standing up in egg cartons so I assumed it suffocated. The other three were the first set from my favorite pullet. She lays a very round, large egg. They never pipped. I opened the eggs and the chicks were fully formed but had not absorbed the egg sack. One had a very thin membrane and liquid came pouring out so I assume that one drowned. The other two had a very thick membrane.

In the same hatch were 26 New Hampshires all of which hatched and 7 of 11 BCM hatched so I do not think it was the hatcher conditions.

I sure hope I can get some of the nice pullets eggs to hatch, have 5 more of hers due to hatch next Wednesday. Keep your fingers crossed for me!!!

Oh, dear.

I set some under a broody just this week. Finally have a broody. We shall see.

One of my two pullets has a breeding injury, a largish tear down the side of her body, so I had her in an isolation cage for a bit. But I still want fertilized eggs and she was miserable and her two mates were miserable. So I made her a little saddle out of the bottom of a pair of worn-out jeans and some elastic so I can let her run around. Boy is the rooster more happy now that he's in charge of her again! But I'm not sure if she'll let him mate when she's wearing that thing.

This breeding thing is not "easy," is it?
Oh, dear.

I set some under a broody just this week. Finally have a broody. We shall see.

One of my two pullets has a breeding injury, a largish tear down the side of her body, so I had her in an isolation cage for a bit. But I still want fertilized eggs and she was miserable and her two mates were miserable. So I made her a little saddle out of the bottom of a pair of worn-out jeans and some elastic so I can let her run around. Boy is the rooster more happy now that he's in charge of her again! But I'm not sure if she'll let him mate when she's wearing that thing.

This breeding thing is not "easy," is it?
I've got two broodies as well, they are newbies but have been on their wooden eggs for over two weeks. I slipped 7 of the New Hampshires under each of them last night. They are not talking to the babies but they have them all shifted around and staying warm so I will keep and eye on things, ready to take them back if need be.

My nicest pullet has also gotten a little beat up by the roo. Minor sores under her wings and on her back and missing/messed up feathers. The other pullet with them is just fine. He does not have spurs yet but I trimmed/filed his toenails to see if that would help, mostly just ended up with a lot of blood :( I tried a saddle on the girl as well which I am sort of opposed to as I feel the skin needs maximum air to heal but I was feeling so sorry for her and thinking about just turning her back out to free range. The cockeral is just so large, over 10 LBs and the saddle ends up on the ground every morning so I gave up that even though she seemed to appreciate it. She is still in with him, we will see how long I can stand it....... If my next two hatches don't hatch any of her eggs I do think I will just move her back with the free-rangers and maybe try again with her in a few months and one of the other cocks. I may also be able to free up a pen soon and then I may just put him in with them for day once a week or so and see how that goes. Just cant' justify building more pens, I will fill them up and it is getting to be almost too much work as it is. Got to keep it fun. My DH is in full support but he's a smart guy and he reminds me of obsession and I need reminded!

Nope, its not easy and I tell myself that they are just chickens and they serve a purpose but my emotions and energy run thin at times!
I've got two broodies as well, they are newbies but have been on their wooden eggs for over two weeks. I slipped 7 of the New Hampshires under each of them last night. They are not talking to the babies but they have them all shifted around and staying warm so I will keep and eye on things, ready to take them back if need be.

My nicest pullet has also gotten a little beat up by the roo. Minor sores under her wings and on her back and missing/messed up feathers. The other pullet with them is just fine. He does not have spurs yet but I trimmed/filed his toenails to see if that would help, mostly just ended up with a lot of blood :( I tried a saddle on the girl as well which I am sort of opposed to as I feel the skin needs maximum air to heal but I was feeling so sorry for her and thinking about just turning her back out to free range. The cockeral is just so large, over 10 LBs and the saddle ends up on the ground every morning so I gave up that even though she seemed to appreciate it. She is still in with him, we will see how long I can stand it....... If my next two hatches don't hatch any of her eggs I do think I will just move her back with the free-rangers and maybe try again with her in a few months and one of the other cocks. I may also be able to free up a pen soon and then I may just put him in with them for day once a week or so and see how that goes. Just cant' justify building more pens, I will fill them up and it is getting to be almost too much work as it is. Got to keep it fun. My DH is in full support but he's a smart guy and he reminds me of obsession and I need reminded!

Nope, its not easy and I tell myself that they are just chickens and they serve a purpose but my emotions and energy run thin at times!

I trimmed the tiniest bit off the tips off all the boy's nails once, too. Not with this DelaRoo, but with the other's last year. It was less traumatic (to me) to de-spur them later than it was to see the blood dripping out the ends of their toes.

I made a simple saddle, but there is a more complicated design that has crossover straps that is supposed to stay on very well. I also really didn't want to "cover" the wound, which is why she was in the cage at first. "Hen Saver" sells some saddles with the double strap if you haven't seen them ...

I diagnosed this as a "feather issue." I had the problem with some of the Buff Orpington hatchery birds. The BOs have fluffy feathers that don't really lay flat to the body, and I notice the Dels have LOTS of super fluffy feathers well up around their bodies, too. So maybe those fluffy feathers just don't offer the protection from a thumb-nail penetrating as the tighter, flatter feather types do.

As much as possible I try to limit the number of pens we've got going. Unless the pen has an automatic waterer. Messing with waterers makes me crazy.
Well I lost all eggs under broodys twice - new problem only getting about 1 egg a day from 5 hens LOL so we cooking in Bator now but having a big problem with temp regulation in this cheap foamy- have a old freezer making a bator out of but parts are on back order. Hope we dont lose this batch or we will be zero for 48
Zanna hope your hatch rate improves.
Have same problem with round eggs on these young hens- some time only way I ID the air end is by color - that end is just slightly darker
Had a EE that was favorite of a big RR we had and was getting tore up - put Blu-kote on injuries and waited to dry. Then put saddle on - it was always sideways but did the job - after this last molt she is back to normal looking- I didn't think she would ever get feathers back on those bare scared up spots.
Those hen savor aprons are the ones we use also but have not needed with the Dels yet.
Well I lost all eggs under broodys twice - new problem only getting about 1 egg a day from 5 hens LOL so we cooking in Bator now but having a big problem with temp regulation in this cheap foamy- have a old freezer making a bator out of but parts are on back order. Hope we dont lose this batch or we will be zero for 48
Zanna hope your hatch rate improves.
Have same problem with round eggs on these young hens- some time only way I ID the air end is by color - that end is just slightly darker
Had a EE that was favorite of a big RR we had and was getting tore up - put Blu-kote on injuries and waited to dry. Then put saddle on - it was always sideways but did the job - after this last molt she is back to normal looking- I didn't think she would ever get feathers back on those bare scared up spots.
Those hen savor aprons are the ones we use also but have not needed with the Dels yet.
Wow, I hope you don't end up with zero for 48,surely some in your incuabator will hatch! I had better shut up and be happy with the 5 Del chicks I have on the ground so far, I have made a start with less before!

Sure glad we all have this forum to commiserate among all the other wonderfull things it provides due to the members. These birds from Kathy are all still young, we have plenty of time despite the seemingly endless setbacks!

We may all need to get chicks from Kim :) Go KIM!!!

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