Delawares from kathyinmo

I had ox tail soup at a friend's party one time. They are Chinese American. I imagine you can get them in a store that sells ethnic/Chinese food, if you have such a store near you. Here, there is a fairly large Chinese community and my partner is Chinese American. Duck feet and chicken feet are commonly served Dim Sum fares. Actually pretty good: it is the sauce they are cooked in that makes it.

We do have a number of oriental stores here too. I've been to them when looking for ginger stem. I'm not a big Chinese food person. Though since I've been married I eat many things we didn't have growing up, like Mexican and Chinese. I'm not sure what we get in the Chinese place is really authentic Chinese food though is it? Egg Foo Young?
We do have a number of oriental stores here too. I've been to them when looking for ginger stem. I'm not a big Chinese food person. Though since I've been married I eat many things we didn't have growing up, like Mexican and Chinese. I'm not sure what we get in the Chinese place is really authentic Chinese food though is it? Egg Foo Young?

That's why I'm eagerly awaiting my first eggs. Egg Foo Young. Yum!!
We do have a number of oriental stores here too. I've been to them when looking for ginger stem. I'm not a big Chinese food person. Though since I've been married I eat many things we didn't have growing up, like Mexican and Chinese. I'm not sure what we get in the Chinese place is really authentic Chinese food though is it? Egg Foo Young?

Ha ha, when I was growing up I thought I didn't like Chinese food because my mother would open a can of something Chinese, can't even remember now, and dry Chinese noodles
but now as an adult, living with a person of Chinese descent, we go to real Chinese restaurants and it is very good--not so much the all-you-can-eat buffets, those places have so many dishes and volume, hard to get any of it right. Sure can't beat the Chinese food to be found in San Francisco, though.
I didn't think I liked Chicken Chow Mein, cuz the only time we had it, it came in a box with a can of yuk.

The only cheese we had was Swiss or that Yellow welfare cheese. I didn't know cheese cake could taste good either.

BUT, I still will not eat Mushrooms, clams or scallops. Don't like Perch, or other fresh water fish. Only once did I have liver that I liked.

I do like bean soup now but my mothers was yuk as was her Stuffing with giblet and other guts in it.

We never had Tacos, and Quesadillas. Oh and guess what I learned to cook? Plantains. Yum. Very filling and I bet good with a scoop of vanilla ice cream.
People ate and prepared differently if they lived through the depression era. It was a matter of need not choice. My dad always had a jar of picked pigs feet in the fridge when I was growing up, The turkey stuffing with all the goodies in it was the best.. Kids don't know what good stuffing taste like.Stove top Yuk! Mom always cooked it in the bird. Yum. Christmas dinner always had her prepared fruit salad.
When my Dad was in the service and got paid once a month the last week of the month was soup week. Everything available went in the pot and we ate it at least once a day and towards the end of week twice a day. That was back in 50s when we were eating Delaware poultry because CornishX hadn't made the market yet.
People ate and prepared differently if they lived through the depression era. It was a matter of need not choice. My dad always had a jar of picked pigs feet in the fridge when I was growing up, The turkey stuffing with all the goodies in it was the best.. Kids don't know what good stuffing taste like.Stove top Yuk! Mom always cooked it in the bird. Yum. Christmas dinner always had her prepared fruit salad.
When my Dad was in the service and got paid once a month the last week of the month was soup week. Everything available went in the pot and we ate it at least once a day and towards the end of week twice a day. That was back in 50s when we were eating Delaware poultry because CornishX hadn't made the market yet.
OOPS! we are telling our age's.
Has anyone canned any chicken meat with the broth? If so how was it. It has to be better than the one you buy.
I haven't tried it yet and I may have goofed it up. We pressure canned all the older cock birds. The directions said to use raw chicken and that sounded wrong, so I cooked it, first. First time using a pressure canner and then we realized how much the meat cooks while being canned. The meat fell apart inside the now sealed jars. So, I'm not sure how it's going to taste.
I never buy canned chicken, so can't compare.

Ha ha, when I was growing up I thought I didn't like Chinese food because my mother would open a can of something Chinese, can't even remember now, and dry Chinese noodles
I had totally forgotten about that stuff until now! I switched to making fresh stir fry, many years ago.

People ate and prepared differently if they lived through the depression era. It was a matter of need not choice.
My mom used to tell me that they had raisins for dinner during the depression. I think eating the entire animal is making a comeback. I see the foodies and trendy chefs discussing using the whole hog - snout to tail. When I butcher my livestock, I try to find people to take the parts that we don't use. We only dispose of the offal and hide. Some Mexicans will use the beef tails. My dogs love the feet.
I haven't tried it yet and I may have goofed it up. We pressure canned all the older cock birds. The directions said to use raw chicken and that sounded wrong, so I cooked it, first. First time using a pressure canner and then we realized how much the meat cooks while being canned. The meat fell apart inside the now sealed jars. So, I'm not sure how it's going to taste.
I never buy canned chicken, so can't compare.

If you mean manure on the feathers, mine like that turned out to have roundworms.

I had totally forgotten about that stuff until now! I switched to making fresh stir fry, many years ago.

My mom used to tell me that they had raisins for dinner during the depression. I think eating the entire animal is making a comeback. I see the foodies and trendy chefs discussing using the whole hog - snout to tail. When I butcher my livestock, I try to find people to take the parts that we don't use. We only dispose of the offal and hide. Some Mexicans will use the beef tails. My dogs love the feet.
Thank you I will worm them tonight.
You should also check them over carefully for mites. The mites will leave the feathers around the vent looking black and yucky. Mites are as small as black pepper grinds, very hard to see.
Make that worm and dust everyone. Not all of them have the black butts and I wonder if things like this could be treats that they get. Kinda like when we eat to many prunes. Still they will all get the once over with dust and wormer.

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