Delawares from kathyinmo

Would really love to talk to you about chickens. I can be reached at [email protected] To anybody near Stockton - Sacramento - At this writing (July, 2014) am looking for a couple of Plymouth Barred Rock cockerels, a couple of Plymouth White Rock cockerels (I have pullets) and a small brace of Bearded Chinese Silkies (mixed cockerels and pullets). Must be pure bred (the chickens; not the reader!). LOL You may also call (no commercial solicitors as I'm on the National Do Not Call List) to talk about chickens.
Ye Olde Professor, the Zooman
We're on here too. Come and visit different threads. A lot of interesting people There's a couple of rock threads.
How does one contact Kathy in Mo? I am interested in Heritage Delawares and I am looking for people that breed to Heritage specs and any help would be appreciated. Thank you
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Hello to Star Rose Ranch,
Is Kim how you are addressed? My name is Neal and I operate under the moniker, Zooman. That is I'm an animal nut with degrees. Started out on my grandmother's chicken farm in little old Strasburg, Va a few aeons ago. Was dragged protesting with tears to suburban Maryland's Montgomery County at 13 years of age. Turned out it was one of the best things that ever happened to my life; but I digress. For the past 30 or so years have lived in northern California where I have been raising chickens most of the time. In college and graduate school took every poultry science course they had. I grooved on that and actually was allowed to conduct an incubation weight loss research study on the now ubiquitous Coturnix c. japonica. Loved that too! As I remember I think that I was the first to do so on that species; it had been done to the chicken. But I don't think that it is all that straight forward since there are so many sizes, metabolisms, etc. among the many breeds/sizes, ages, etc.. Therefore, variations could be expected in outcomes. Have been disappointed with respect to the substandard laying propensities of the commercially available red stars and black stars. I'm setting about to see what might be done with improving the F1 cross with quality selected stock. Would you have available some Delawares (mixed sexes) and possibly some Plymouth Barred Rocks, some Plymouth White Rocks? As an aside would like to find some quality bearded Chinese Silkies too, both sexes. If we ever are allowed by the Fates to chat, I'll tell you about an incredible saga involving a certain Silkie hen. Probably should publish that…
What say you about my chicken quest? A finding of quality Delawares, Barred Plymouth Rocks and White Plymouth Rocks would be a great start.
Stay well.
Neal Welsh, ye olde professor
P.S. If you are so inclined, I'd be greatly pleased to hear from you via [email protected] or

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Hello to Star Rose Ranch,
Is Kim how you are addressed? My name is Neal and I operate under the moniker, Zooman. That is I'm an animal nut with degrees. Started out on my grandmother's chicken farm in little old Strasburg, Va a few aeons ago. Was dragged protesting with tears to suburban Maryland's Montgomery County at 13 years of age. Turned out it was one of the best things that ever happened to my life; but I digress. For the past 30 or so years have lived in northern California where I have been raising chickens most of the time. In college and graduate school took every poultry science course they had. I grooved on that and actually was allowed to conduct an incubation weight loss research study on the now ubiquitous Coturnix c. japonica. Loved that too! As I remember I think that I was the first to do so on that species; it had been done to the chicken. But I don't think that it is all that straight forward since there are so many sizes, metabolisms, etc. among the many breeds/sizes, ages, etc.. Therefore, variations could be expected in outcomes. Have been disappointed with respect to the substandard laying propensities of the commercially available red stars and black stars. I'm setting about to see what might be done with improving the F1 cross with quality selected stock. Would you have available some Delawares (mixed sexes) and possibly some Plymouth Barred Rocks, some Plymouth White Rocks? As an aside would like to find some quality bearded Chinese Silkies too, both sexes. If we ever are allowed by the Fates to chat, I'll tell you about an incredible saga involving a certain Silkie hen. Probably should publish that…
What say you about my chicken quest? A finding of quality Delawares, Barred Plymouth Rocks and White Plymouth Rocks would be a great start.
Stay well.
Neal Welsh, ye olde professor
P.S. If you are so inclined, I'd be greatly pleased to hear from you via [email protected] or 1 (209) 327-2068 any time of day or night, really!

Hi Neal,

I've sent emails and left you a phone message. I'll have some adolescent Delawares in a month or so. They are from Kathy's strain, which is recreated Delawares, 5th generation.

I want to keep 3 or 4 hens and a roo if possible, of my Dells. As far as working with them, I would not call it that. It for me is like trying to keep them going. If I hatch them , with my health like it is I will probably give them away. I would like to see more people with them enjoying the positive points of them in the future. them and buff. orps. are my favorites. The dels have been very friendly for me too.

I'm sorry about your health and wanted to wish you the best. Always good to hear from you,

How does one contact Kathy in Mo? I am interested in Heritage Delawares and I am looking for people that breed to Heritage specs and any help would be appreciated. Thank you

You could send her a private message, but I think she is not on BYC very much anymore. I don't know if she is breeding Dels, I know that she cut way back to spend more time with family.
To send a private message, first do a search for the user's name "kathyinmo", using the search box near the top of each BYC page. When you find their profile, click and look below their mane for "send pm"

You might also try messaging the other breeders on this thread. There is also a thread in the Exhibition, Genetics etc. section where you might ask for breeders.

@1zooman12 you might also post on that thread to ask for Barred & White Rocks in CA. There should be people on there who know where to get them, locally.

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