Delawares from kathyinmo

I've finally figured it out. Next year, if I hatch all the cockerels in, say, February, then hatch all the pullets on April Fools Day ... I should be able to sort all the Delawares into breeding pens or cull cages by October/November. Plan?
I've finally figured it out. Next year, if I hatch all the cockerels in, say, February, then hatch all the pullets on April Fools Day ... I should be able to sort all the Delawares into breeding pens or cull cages by October/November. Plan?

It can never be that easy - can it ?
Here is one of the younger cockerels (PapaDel breeding) of the batch we sent to the processor a while back, ready to cook. Not a very big bird, as you can see ... only dressed to about 4.5 lbs with the neck still on. No brining ... and only the second time I've used the dutch oven instead of dry roasting. He was SO tender and mild.

I think he was about 25 weeks old, so still well past what one would aim for with pastured meat birds, so we've got some improving to do with growth rates and such.

The point is: I might become an "early cull" convert.

Anyone got any ideas where to come by some delaware in east texas. I'd like to get some good stock, I would be interested in some hatching eggs if anyone has them.
Anyone got any ideas where to come by some delaware in east texas. I'd like to get some good stock, I would be interested in some hatching eggs if anyone has them.

Don't know anyone in Texas- Micheal Newman is in the Panhandle of FL - he has this line and some of his own.
Usually on the Del club @ Facebook but someone else will need to point you as I don't do Facebook.

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