Delawares or Red Sex Links?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Oct 13, 2012
Back story: So, my dear hubs went to market last fall and came home with 18 chicks, 12 of which we still have. 1 had cross beak and didn't make it, and the other 5 got so aggressive that I traded them off for some hens. I posted a thread when those turned, and it was suggested that I a.) "accidentally" might have gotten all roos, or b.) they were red sex links and it was no Now that they've all grown up a little, I wanted to post the old pics and some that I took today and see if there's a consensus on Delawares, all roos, or RSLs. I'd love to get a hen or 2 from the bunch, but if we did get all roos, I still have my 2 favorites that aren't going anywhere.

Old pics, formerly posted, of the chicks at about 5-6 weeks:

Body shot:

Current photos at about 3 months (taken today):

And this is the same one in the first pic above:

If we did in fact get Delawares, and we *may* have a hen or 2, what would I look for in a breeding pair? The second pic from today is my favorite and I hopehopehope that it's a hen, but I'm keeping it regardless. The first pic from today I'm almost certain is a cockerel, but not my favorite. My favorite looks a lot like him, but has a better personality...he just didn't want to get caught for

Anyway, I'm open to all opinions. Here to learn! We honestly got duped on some RIRs too. The lady assured my husband that they were all hens, but they've aged, and gotten very plume-y and pretty, and I heard a random attempt at crowing a couple of weeks ago, so I've given up hope that the RIRs are hens. But they're pretty and very entertaining! It would just be nice to get some hens since we started the whole chicken thing for eggs...

Thank you! I started to get really suspicious when I found random brown feathers on a few chicks. So, if we find a hen, it will be an egger only! So, now I guess the question is whether or not the one that I hope is a pullet really is....
That's what I like to hear! Thank you so much! I've really been keeping my fingers crossed about that one. I've gotten really attached to her and have been hoping for an excuse to keep her. I picked her out at a week old, and still like her just as much So if they're not red sex link boys, then we have hope again. :-D
they look old enough now that the roosters should start getting thier pointed hackle(neck) and saddle(back) feathers. the last picture looks like a pullet.

these are some saddle feathers on a young rooster
Pretty! Yeah, that's why I've given up on the RIRs. 2 of the 3 have gotten some pretty dramatic saddle feathers, and all 3 have pointy hackle feathers, and they should be about 7 months or so. Of the babies, it's kind of hard to see saddle feathers because of all the white, but the hackle feathers have been what's more clearly marking 8 or 9 as my boys, with 2 or 3 of them having feminine feathering. Of the few that you can see definite saddle feathers, it's only because they cover the tips of the wings already. Thanks for the pic!
Here's the baby with the best saddle feathers. He, surprisingly, was the last to get fully feathered. He was in the house for at least a week after almost everyone else moved out to the barn...

all of the pics show cockerels i can see the saddle feathers on them. they look like they might be delaware mixes but none the less they are mixes

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