Delinquent dogs


Corrupted by a Redneck
10 Years
Aug 20, 2009
So, last night I finished an afghan I have been crocheting for the last month. Just a simple non-fancy one for the family to use on the couch. It was kind of late so I threw it up on the back of the couch, you know, sort of draped across the back. Get out of bed at 5 this morning to find it taken off the couch and carried down the end of the hallway where a certain Labrador we all know and love likes to sleep. HHHHMMMM, honestly, not the GP cause he is in the field, not the GSD because he simply sleeps ON the couch, till he hears me coming of course, only one it could be is the Lab. Only thing I am wondering is: after 7 years in my house, why does she decide NOW to carry a blankie around?????? Dang dogs.
AHHHhhh...she loves you mom......just wants to smell your scent when she's sleeping!
I've seen this sort of behavior before. She's doing it out of frustration. Frustration brought on by the fact that you don't have a puppy for her to play with.
Girl child called me a bit ago, she is 14, and SWEARS there is no way her dog would steal the blanket. Yeah, right.

I also just ordered a scat mat. I am not opposed to dog hair, but this is a new couch, there is an old couch, and the fool slobbers and dribbles all over the upholstery. He really needs to get off my couch. UUUGGGHHHHHHH

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