Demise of Foghorn Report

Foghorn's daddy

10 Years
Jan 12, 2010
I'm new to all this, but wish to give my thoughts on the demise of my best friend Foghorn yesterday. It was a long day at work knowing he was there lying on the cold ground inside his chalet coop until I returned home. When I was able to investigate I treated the scene like "Ducky" would on NCIS. Foghorn was found intact so he was not a victim of predators. He was found directly below his normal roosting spot and with dirt in his beak. Taking into account his age (4 1/2) years. I have determined he died of natural causes. Probably a coronary attack and fell immediately onto the ground. Hopefully it was merciful death. He was gorgeous, and very gentle, a Fabio among hens. He wasn't just a chicken, he wasn't just my friend. He was the son I never had...
I know how it feels, I lost Tildy my RIR a couple months ago, she was one of my 2 original hens.
I am very sorry for your loss.

4+ years is a good amount of time and he sounds like he was very loved. So sorry!

welcome to byc btw. you will find a lot of people who will understand here.
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