Denver: Help join effort to change laws allowing chickens

It is my contention that people should be able to do anything on their own property as long as they can contain the "impact" within their own property boundaries.

"It is my contention that people should be able to do anything on their own property as long as they can contain the "impact" within their own property boundaries.

Amen Bruce. Sorry I think I may have misunderstood you earlier but you are definitely cool

My wife and I are so p.o'ed over city life lately (this chicken law being just one of many things), I'm trying to figure out how to move to a smaller community in between browsing the BYC forums. I'd like to stay in Colorado, probably heading further west vs. the plains. My parents, now in their late 60's gave up on Denver last month and moved back to NM. I'm hoping the city can do the right thing in this case, even if I'm not a resident when it finally happens, it just makes sense.

A link to brigten up this thread a bit..

I posted this in the colorado thread yesterday but it really belongs here. Denver is soliciting comments right now on backyard chickens. They are proposing (at least in this survey) to allow everyone to have up to 6 chickens (no roosters) and eliminate the zoning piece of the current permitting process. I took the survey yesterday, fully supporting it of course

Stay warm out there...
I wish you all in Denver good luck! There seems to be a big movement in urban farming and sustainability. Seems there would be a positive response in the general public to get the laws changed . I think a lot of people don't know there could be a possibility to owning chickens. Maybe some media attention would help get the ball rolling. Also is there a county AG extension that could get involved? Also the University Ag Dept. can be an advocate and expert on the subject. We were lucky enough to end up here in the mountains, just outside of Denver, in an unincorporated town, that allows chickens, even in a neighborhood with an HOA (even roosters) We were delighted when we found out we could have chickens with no barriers. I think half the battle too, is overcoming the stereotypical manner in which some people view owning chickens. (Dirty, trashy, etc...) not like pets in neat pens and coops. Especially like some of the coops on this website, they're nicer than some houses!!
why would ou even tell them hahaha **** the government im planing on getting a duck and keeping it as a pet and im not going to go through the application process denver government can **** off im going to get it out of town and bring it home im not going to post signs or this that and the other not going to tell anyone about it if it gets sick ill take it out of town and take it to a breeder for an examination **** the city council and the neighbors

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