Depressed chick.


In the Brooder
6 Years
Jul 7, 2013
I believe I have a depressed chick. I have 1 aruacana chick that is 9ish weeks. I got her with 3 Australorps. I also have 3 bantam wyandottes that are 4 weeks old. Two bantam cochins that are 22 weeks and two silkies that are 22 weeks. Everyone has someone to socialize with and buddy up with. I am so sad that this wee girl gets picked on, hangs her head low, has seems so sad. I pick her up and she cuddles right up into the crook of my arm. I have her spearated from all the other girls except the 3 bantam wyandotte chicks, they still ignore her. I am out of ideas. Its breaks my heart. She eats, drinks and is parasite free. She is healthy in that sense, she just seems to be shunned from everyone. I even went out late one night with my light to see how she slept.....she is all alone well everyone else is cuddled together. What suggestions do you have to help this wee girl become part of the flock? Is it possible she is depressed? Thank you.
I'm so sorry that you have a lonely chick. We have a mixed flock, but I have heard of your predicament. Like birds will pair up and leave the only out. Is there any way you can find another aruacana that is about the same age? I think flock dynamics are going to be difficult for her being the only one of her kind. She sounds adorable! Is there any way you'd consider making her a house hen?
I would love to make her my indoor chicken, however, I have two dogs and two cats that would also love it. LOL
My solution for her, I but in two brand new day olds with her. They are RIR x Isa Brown chicks. They LOVE her. They cuddle her, and follow her around, sleep with her, and you can totally see her confidence coming back. She is going to be house with them for the winter and I will try to reunite her and the babies in the spring. It will be interesting to see how they make out for the winter. My friend is taking them to her farm for me where they can be kept warm in the barn all winter and of course have the heat lamp.

Thank you for taking the time to reply to me. She is the sweetest bird ever. I have so much love for her.
Oh, that makes me happy!!! I felt so bad for that poor little girl. I'm glad you came up with a great solution and that she's happier now. YAY!

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