Depressed chicken? What do I do...


Fantastic news! I've got 3 healthy, happy chicks snoozing and pecking away in my brooder. Two are buff orpingtons and one is a beautiful blue wyandotte (they didn't have ameraucanas or EEs). I have been stressing quite a bit about heat lamp issues and food and water...but now they seem healthy, cuddling, but no longer panting. How active should the chickies be? This is my first time with week old chicks, my past have been month olds. They seem to scratch and peck around for 10 minutes, and then pass out with each other the next 10 minutes.
Sounds pretty normal for chicks. One minute they are chasing each other around, the next, they are passed out with their face in the feeder.

They also like to stretch out and bask in the heat lamp's warmth.

Hey guys, overall the chicks seem to be doing great. However one, Amelia, one of the buff orpingtons seems to be missing feathers on her bottom and is stressed when pooping. I thought it could be a blocked vent...but she is pooping. It just looks uncomfortable, and she keeps flexing her vent.

Hey guys, overall the chicks seem to be doing great. However one, Amelia, one of the buff orpingtons seems to be missing feathers on her bottom and is stressed when pooping. I thought it could be a blocked vent...but she is pooping. It just looks uncomfortable, and she keeps flexing her vent.
Some chicks do have a bit of a struggle when first pooping. I find it kind of adorable when they stand up tall and wiggle their bottom right before letting loose. It's a normal reflex for them to flex the vent.
Sounds exactly like what she is doing... the standing and wiggling. It is cute haha. Thanks for easing my stress!
Hey guys,

The chicks are doing fantastic! Cute little girls, one will sit in my hand and the others play fight. I have a question...unfortunately I ran out of bedding while cleaning the cage today, and the only other option I have for bedding right now is newspaper and fleece.

I haven't seen much about using fleece as bedding, but they seem to love it. Is it okay to use or are there any issues with it?
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I would worry about them ingesting it. If you are absolutely out of any of the usual animal bedding, use some old towels or spare sheets. Don't use the newspaper, it's too slippery.

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