Derperella, the (weird) Faverolles, & Friends

Well, at least Baron has some older hens who know how a good rooster behaves, the older he gets and the more testerone he develops the more his confidence will grow. Especially as he is the only rooster around, and I think you took him away before he entered teengagehood to notice the adult roosters living around him, so he couldn't have been intimated that way. And I would much rather have a slow maturing cockerel,than one trying to jump every hen he can at ten weeks old. It will be funny if he like some other cochin cockerels try to mate with hens head first instead bottom first. Has Baron's crowing voice gotten any deeper or is it still at the yodeling state ?
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Derperella is only able to concentrate on one thing at a time, and so Chair is put on the backburner. Never forgotten, though... For, when the weather starts to turn cold once again, and all of the things in the yard die, or sleep, or burrow deep into the soil, Derperella remembers Chair. Oh, Hai Chair. I love you. That just shows that Chair is a true friend - the sort that you may not see for a long while, but who understands the reason why, and is just as happy to see you as you are to see them when you are finally able to get together again. :hugs Friends like Chair are the best ones to have!
SO eloquently put kayTee! :love :cd p.s. and lets not forget Derps' love affair with GRILL! :D
I'm sorry you have all been missing Derp, while the Fud Lady has been so busy!
It's also been rain and mud and mud and rain here. Add in a healthy dose of molting, and the chickens haven't been photogenic.

I was able to get out with the chickens for a few hours between raindrops and snowy wind this week and caught a photo for you all.

Derperella loves Chair. Then sometimes, sometimes she does not love Chair.
It is a complex relationship.
You see, and it's very important... during some parts of the year, there are all these things in the yard.
Crickets, worms. Grasshoppers, grubs,-- things. Good things. Things Derperella needs.
When all of these things are in the lawn, in the yard, just living there and waiting for Derp, she must put Chair out of her mind for a while. She must concentrate on the things. Derperella is only able to concentrate on one thing at a time, and so Chair is put on the backburner. Never forgotten, though...
For, when the weather starts to turn cold once again, and all of the things in the yard die, or sleep, or burrow deep into the soil, Derperella remembers Chair.
Oh, Hai Chair. I love you.

Fud Lady that is such an endearing photo of Derp . She is so round she looks like a Chichen Xmas ornament.

Love the photo of Willow and Puddles, she knows a good protector when she sees one
Well, at least Baron has some older hens who know how a good rooster behaves, the older he gets and the more testerone he develops the more his confidence will grow. Especially as he is the only rooster around, and I think you took him away before he entered teengagehood to notice the adult roosters living around him, so he couldn't have been intimated that way. And I would much rather have a slow maturing cockerel,than one trying to jump every hen he can at ten weeks old. It will be funny if he like some other cochin cockerels try to mate with hens head first instead bottom first. Has Baron's crowing voice gotten any deeper or is it still at the yodeling state ?

I agree, I do so love the cochin's slow maturing process!! I think it makes them less crazy. While entertaining to have a crazy dancypants cockerel, the insanity is not something I ever want to deal with again. The forced matings, and chasing hens, and pure stress and aggravation! Yuck. It'd be one thing if I had 100% free ranged birds and needed a fast and aggressive (toward other animals) roo to combat predators, but I don't. I need calmer, sane animals! In my situation, now that I know what a sweet gentle roo is like, I will never go back to the craziness of some of the other breeds. Power to them but not for me when I have such a great option as a cochin!

Baron Rufflerump has not crowed again since we started putting him outside! But, his voice is still very silly and squeaky.
When I had Trousers, he didn't start crowing with his deep voice (or, at all) until he was around 6 months old. Baron Ruffles is about 16 weeks old now, so 4 months, give or take a bit.
I would not recommend any roosters with warren and red sex link type blood in them, I have had two that have both been crossed with calm breeds like silkies and Wyandottes and they are swines, I have just put the silkie cross down because he tore the entire strip of skin and feathers off the back of my bantam Phoenix's neck, the one flying in the pic earlier, I can see her tendons and all,it was vulgar so I'm eating him, I have had to stitch her up as best I could
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I would not recommend any roosters with warren and red sex link type blood in them, I have had two that have both been crossed with calm breeds like silkies and Wyandottes and they are swines, I have just put the silkie cross down because he tore the entire strip of skin and feathers off the back of my bantam Phoenix's neck, the one flying in the pic earlier, I can see her tendons and all,it was vulgar so I'm eating him, I have had to stitch her up as best I could

I'm so sorry this happened to you. Yeah, I am at a point in my chicken experience where I won't tolerate a nasty roo. There are too many good ones that need homes.

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