Derperella, the (weird) Faverolles, & Friends

Sending Derp get well wishes real soon. I'm so sorry she is feeling bad. We love you Derp.
Lots of neck massages today. She really liked them! Derp trills a certain way when content. No improvement, but all functions are normal so far. Eating and drinking like a champ. She can't really get around but I am helping with that. I'll be making a vet appointment in the morning, hopefully they can see us this week.
Derp has a very sweet voice I heard it in one of the videos that you posted. Poor baby even sings when she's not feeling good. She's still eatting and drinking that is a good sign. She is a fighter. God bless you Derp.
Derp trills a certain way when content.
Of course she does - she's Derp!

Mind you - I would probably trill happily if I was getting neck massages all day too

You are just so good to your birds, Fud Lady - they don't know how lucky they are to be part of your flock. Big hugs to you and Derp and the rest of the crew
We got a vet appointment for today at 5. Derp hasn't improved, but she is vigerously eating and drinking still, and makes a lot of 'happy chicken' noises, and does preen. I feel like she is just disoriented and frustrated when she walks. Because of how chipper she still seems, I will not consider putting her to sleep unless the vet finds something terribly wrong. We'll see what we can do to either help her or just keep her happy.

I have seen my share of sick and suffering birds and know when it is kindest to let them go. Right now it doesn't seem like it's Derp time yet!
If it turns out that this is survivable (I think it is) and she just needs to become a house chicken, so be it. She is generally happier outside, but, ever since Coho died she has not had a 'chicken buddy' and isn't very invested in the rest of the flock. Maybe I will get her a hen serama friend (who knows). I can't have a roo trying to mount her if she stays wry like this; she can't see what is going on and panics even if he is gentle. I'll let you all know what the vet says. I knew this morning when she greeted me so happily that her quality of life is still okay, and I couldn't put her down unless there is a very good reason.
Still at vet (Derp is all done, we are just helping out). Derp is as okay as can be, with possible head trauma. We have some good anti-inflammatory meds! No signs of illness or timors. We did full blood panels and chemistry: she is healthy!

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