Derperella, the (weird) Faverolles, & Friends

Loved the new painting of Kua, Nambroth, great idea and fun way of making a pun. I was wondering I know the babies are still in quarantine, but maybe your hens have spotted them from a distance and was wondering if you have gotten any stinkeye from them about the babies wondering in the yard, or fussing from the hens ?

Yes, I have been slowly introducing the babies to the yard as of this week. I call them babies, and they are still "peep peep peep"ing, but they are already as big as Derp..!!

Anyhow, the idea is to slowly get the babies slowly introduced to the flora of my yard (I am talking about on a microscopic level) so that they can build immunity to anything that they need to. Fingers crossed tight. This isn't a true quarantine as the flock they came from is closed, and mine is closed, and my flock has already been well exposed to the other flock via Trousers. Truly, I am just trying to gradually expose the chicks to the Marek's virus that I am sure is present here. Even though I completely cleaned my coop, every square inch, with a viruicide and sucked out all the dust and dander, I do imagine that if the virus is present in large amounts it would be where the chickens spend most of their time.

I also don't think I can safely house the chicklets with the big girls until the chicks are a bit bigger and loose their 'peep'. The hens seems to react much better to newcomers if they have an adult chicken voice! It will probably be some weeks yet.

The big hens have indeed seen the babies and don't seem to care even a tiny bit! Derp did wander over somewhat nearby earlier and Baron Rufflerump decided he needed to protect his cousin, Mildred, and tried to chase Derp away.
Beautiful Favs

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