Derperella, the (weird) Faverolles, & Friends

what breed is Cricket? He doesn't seem to have a tail - I know there is a tail-less breed but, I don't think they are bantams. I would love to see a video also but, I don't do Facebook or the other ones like it.
Well hey, Miss Diva. I'm not really sure what breed Cricket (TOUCHDOWN BAMA!!!) is. He was given to me as a chick and I'm still virtually new to chickens. Over on the araucana threads they tell me that he's an EE but he doesn't have a beard. He is rumpless, though...which makes him so freakin' cute, but he doesn't have tufts. His breeder live not far away in Greeneville and I plan on checking out his farm this spring. I'm not complaing about the chick I got 'cause I love the little guy to pieces, and he was free. I just wish DH had asked more questions. Can a rooster this small breed successfully with my big BO girls? Or my reds? We got him because we had a lone hatch that cried and cried. They are besties now.

Cricket and Dottie.
Greetings from Western NY on this balmy morning. When I went out to the coop this morning the thermometer read -3°F and the wind chill was -18.

Please forgive the messy coop in these photos. It's impossible to scrub the walls when it's so cold out, everything just freezes to them!

The first thing the girls did was to flock to a nice sunbeam and soak up some of its warmth!
You can see Kua, front, then Lorp, then Chickadee's tail. The other black rump is Millie, and then the gold and black butt in the far back is Willow.

Dear, dear Derperella derped over to the Fud Lady and did her little Derp Dance. This involves shuffling from foot to foot while staring upward and yelling. The Fud Lady has taken this to mean: "I like you Fud Lady, please hug Derp."
So, she pets Derp under the keel.

Here's Derp sitting on the Fud Lady's glove... (I had to take my glove off to work the cellphone camera).

Baron Rufflerump is in his gangly teenage years, where his body isn't quite proportioned right! Here he is, getting a drink. His cousin, Millie, looks on from above.

After everyone finishes their breakfast, they like to go back up onto the roost when it's cold. It seems like a good idea to cuddle in for a nap when it's below zero!! You can see how big the Baron is getting, next to Chickadee. Chickadee will be 3 years old this spring and is not a little chicken!

The Evil Queen Lorp has been very mellow since the Baron and Millie have moved into the flock. We don't know if it's because it's winter or maybe the flock is balanced once again! You can see Millie peeking out from the background of tails!

Love this picture - it's a Chickadee Thanksgiving balloon! Seriously, this is a beautiful flock.
I think Chickadee looks like one of those squishy stress balls. Don't tell her I said that. I love Chickadee. I puff up pretty big when I'm cold too. Baron looks very nice head on, it's good to see his face.
Nambroth - what is happening to your chickens? First we have the 'Derpball' :


and now we have the 'Chickadeeballoon':


Not to mention Baron Rufflerump with his gangly, oh-so-warm legs!!

Actually this would be a great photo to submit for a caption competition!
Nambroth - what is happening to your chickens? First we have the 'Derpball' :


and now we have the 'Chickadeeballoon':


Not to mention Baron Rufflerump with his gangly, oh-so-warm legs!!

Actually this would be a great photo to submit for a caption competition!
I love Baron's pantaloons.
Given her girth, it's amazing Chickadee can balance on one leg. I know I couldn't do it. As for Derp ,she used to morph into a loaf of bread. Go ahead see if any other chicken can do that.

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