Derperella, the (weird) Faverolles, & Friends

I'm sorry about your loss of kua.
Not to hack the thread but I've been looking through some old posts where you were talking about derpy pictures and staring and I thought I would share my special needs chicken and her stare fix at the curtains
I'm sorry about your loss of kua.
Not to hack the thread but I've been looking through some old posts where you were talking about derpy pictures and staring and I thought I would share my special needs chicken and her stare fix at the curtains
i am convinced every flock has one! Your derp is precious!
Hello everyone, new Derp fangirl here! It took me almost a week to read through this thread
but it was well worth the time.

I had already decided to add faverolles to my flock but Derp and her sister cemented it. I am revamping my original flock and picking more docile and breeder quality birds. Brahmas, Ameraucanas, and Orpingtons, with some Faverolles and I have to have some showgirls or I might expire.......

Thank you for sharing your flock!
Nambroth, I am so sorry to hear about Kua. She had a great life and didn't suffer too much from her tumor...
Sending prayers your way.
I haven't really been on BYC at all, much less Derp...ever since my hens got rehomed I just didn't really need to be on BYC as much... I loved reading all of the Derp-breeds.
Hmm... we might need an official name for the "derpy" breed names Nambroth came up with!
Nambroth im so sorry for your loss, I rescue ex-battery hens as well as breeding rare breed chickens. the reason they are marketed as pets is because they are bred to take confinement well but also be very placid. I have only had 4 ex-bats die of old age with me but even then its because they are warn out, for an ex-bat 4 is ancient. I had a hen who over a week went from normal to a massive tumor, and I mean huge, it pulled her bum down so her bum dragged along the floor and rubbed away the feathers and she looked like a runner duck, she couldnt touch the ground with her beak or even drink so we had to raise everything, it was a sad loss. one of my amazements with my first ex-bats was one went broody, i was astonished by it, ^_^
Nambroth, I am so sorry for the loss of Kua. I'm glad she didn't suffer too much before she passed.

On a brighter note, I'm excited to see that Derp is on Vine!!
Hi Derparoos,

I'm sorry I have been so absent lately! As soon as I arrived home from my trip (a friend's wedding + art show), I got very ill, and a lot of bad things happened... our lawnmower blew up (the mowing deck ripped itself apart, no one was hurt), our truly beloved family dog passed away suddenly, my mother in law was in the Emergency Room with stroke symptoms (etc, on and on!).

I have finally had a moment to breathe, and of course I spent it with the chickens, and took some photos of them to enter into the calendar contest. I ended up with more photos than I could enter, so I'm here to share them with you!

Unfortunately there are none of Derperella. She is well, don't worry! But she is still broody-brained and in her blustery haste to take care of even more Invisi-babies, she was not acting very photogenic at all!

Sweet mr. Bubbles (Baron Rufflerump). He is always looking over the girls, even if he still can not walk very well. His legs have been especially stiff this week for some reason, so I have been giving some nice massages. No one said that the Fud Lady was not a bit nutty....

Mildred, hunting crickets. How fluffy is a Cochin's Rear? VERY!

Coho, yawing and yawning. I know that chickens do this to help "adjust" their crops after they have had a big meal, but Coho also does this when she is content and preening. She will preen her beard, pause, yawn. Preen her beard, pause, yawn.

Mildred, curious about what I might be doing. She is such a mellow, sweet hen.

Coho and Mildred settle in for a rest with one another. Coho is very snuggly; Mildred is not so much. But she is very patient and tolerant of everyone else's quirks!!
That is a Bubble Butt in the background.

Coho's sweet face. Derp trimmed some of her beard off for her. Who even knows why?!

Moa of the RumpleComb, looking majestic.

Chickadee is always analyzing everything. She came over shortly after and attempted to climb onto my camera, because: "What is it? Can I learn how to make one? Look at this thing!"

Sweet Millie Mildred!!

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