Desert chickens, will need coolness!

Been there done that!! Your problem now is probably WATER!! If not this is what I did. Two (2) burlap sacks or material double thickness and possibly sewn together. A 3-4 foot long chick feeder, that will hang approx.2- 3 feet from the bottom of the cage It can be attached to top edge of cage with wire, or to the side. and lowered to 3 foot level just above the burlap.. Drill 1/64 holes about every inch in the middle of the trough. Run a hose to the cage and wire it up to the side of the cage above the trough/ Turn on and adjust flow so water just keeps about a quarter of an inch in the trough.. That should cause an evaporation effect as it drips. It is similar to the evaporator coolers on many older houses out there. If you need more cool air put a box fan in front. Low setting is enough to blow the air across the burlap. Sure worked for me. My hens stopped panting and slightly increased eqg production .I soaked the burlap 1st so it would absorb water easy. Good luck Norm
We live in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia- current temperature 109 degrees f. I 'accidentally' adopted two scrawny young chickens this summer and put them in the back yard (cement floor- no lawn :). They hang out right next to the sliding glass door (cooled from the indoor AC) in the shade, and resting on dirt they scratched out of my flower pots. Yes, they pant a bit in mid-afternoon, and like to cool their feet regularly in the pottery water dish. Their chick is doing just fine as well. These are local chickens, so I would think that has a lot to do with their heat tolerance.

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