For how much? All my chooks are mixes except for a silkie pair. I could trade plant cuttings though, if it's allowed. I've got a hibiscus called 5th Dimension, and red, yellow, and hot pink calachoes.
The calanchoes aren't blooming right now, but I've got some pics of the hibiscus.

When they bloom, they actually change color as the day goes on. The plant is fairly small, so I'd only be able to do about 4-5 cuttings.
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Mine on the legbars.


8+ lf mixed layers possibility of pure barred Rock. I know which eggs come from the one hen and have hatched pure as he's the head roo.
For how much? All my chooks are mixes except for a silkie pair. I could trade plant cuttings though, if it's allowed. I've got a hibiscus called 5th Dimension, and red, yellow, and hot pink calachoes.
The calanchoes aren't blooming right now, but I've got some pics of the hibiscus.

When they bloom, they actually change color as the day goes on. The plant is fairly small, so I'd only be able to do about 4-5 cuttings.

very nice!

I may have to get some of those from you in the spring..
Is that hibiscus tropical?
Umm, I'm not sure. All I know is that it handles the hot weather well, and a hard freeze will kill it when it's small. You could start them inside though, they seem to handle it pretty well. The edges are supposed to change from orange/pink to yellow as the day moves from morning to afternoon, but sometimes they get confused(like the one above).
If no one wants the hibiscus on this thread, is it ok if I move them to a different thread?
On a side note, did you ever read the Enola Holmes books enola?
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