Designing Chicken Themed Shirts

I finished and uploaded the barred rocks ^-^
I put the hen on pillows. So cute.


Aw, I love the hen sitting on her nest!
Great stuff -- love that you started with Favs, one of my favorite breeds. I don't have Silkies, but yours are seriously adorable designs. I'll be shocked if people don't snap up your T's. Especially these crazy chicken people at BYC.
Faverolles are one of my favourite breeds too, which is one of the reasons I started with them X3

I finished the Cochins!

Thank you! You guys have no idea how happy I am that you all like my art.
I finished the Rhode Island Red pair!


Current To do list
  • Barred Rock hen/roo
  • Polish hen/roo
  • Cochin hen/roo
  • Russian Orloff hen/roo
  • Speckled Sussex hen/roo
Also I had a great idea! I use photos of chickens from google as reference images (I hardly have all the breeds above at hand lol!). Would anyone like me to make artwork of their specific chickens? Share the pic of your bird with info (breed (or crossbreed), gender and name), what you want it on (like unisex t shirt, female shirt, hoodie, mug ext), I will put it on the to do list, make artwork based off the picture, and upload to the store at the lowest possible price (there is a minimum so the site makes its money) so you can get a shirt, mug, pillow, poster ext of your bird. I can even put text on it too if you want ^-^
Once you have your product, if you want me to take it off the site I will. If your happy for me to keep it up, I'll put the price back up to be in line with the other products I have up (which are cheaper than what the site recommends anyway lol).
I hope someone would like a shirt of their pet chicken ^-^
You guys liking my art has made me so happy and more inspired to do my art. I don't usually get any comments on my art when I post it.
I finished and uploaded the barred rocks ^-^
I put the hen on pillows. So cute.


I have the Polish pair half done, but took a break to make something cute I though of and didn't want to forget about!


Same design is on hoodies, shirts, bags, and even a facemask!

Edit to add: Finished the Polish pair!


These are all super cute too!

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