Desperate for some advice on vent prolapse (photos)


In the Brooder
Jan 7, 2021
Hi everyone,

When we went out to check our flock yesterday afternoon, we noticed that one of our Pekin bantams had a severely prolapsed vent, I think other chickens had been pecking at it as there was also some blood. It looks like there might possibly be an egg trapped within the prolapsed tissue.

We phoned the vets and followed their advice (isolate, clean with warm soapy water, offer water and corn and leave in a dark place to discourage further laying), but they're unable to see her until Monday.

This morning there's been no change in the prolapse and the poor little lady is looking a lot more pale and listless. I was wondering if anyone had any advice insofar as what we can do to keep her comfortable and help her through until tomorrow? I have nettex wound spray that I'm considering using to prevent infection, but I'm unsure if I can use this on what should be interior tissue due to the dye. I'm also unsure how much I can touch the prolapse in order to determine whether there is an egg stuck inside.

Thanks in advance.


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Sugar/honey helps shrink the tissue. Or prep h. Warm bath and try to gently with a glove finger push it in? I have only ever dealt with it once and not nearly as bad. I am sorry! Is she eating, drinking, able to poop at all?
Sugar/honey helps shrink the tissue. Or prep h. Warm bath and try to gently with a glove finger push it in? I have only ever dealt with it once and not nearly as bad. I am sorry! Is she eating, drinking, able to poop at all?
Thanks so much for your reply! I'll definitely give the sugar and honey a try. I've given her two warm long soaks but unfortunately it hasn't helped her pass the egg (I'm fairly certain there's an egg stuck in there) so I'm a bit afraid to handle it too much in case I break the egg. Unfortunately she's not able to poop so I'm withholding food. She's still drinking a bit still though. I'm just hoping she can hold on for tomorrow.
Thanks again for your reply ☺️
I think I have read crushed tums for calcium can help? Maybe look into that? I am so very sorry she (and you) are going through this.
Do you have durvet calcium in hand?
You want to keep the prolapse moist so either coconut oil or ky jelly
But I would wait till some experts get here to help
I’m not sure if pushing the prolapse back in with sb egg there is a good idea but keeping it moist until help arrives
I think I have read crushed tums for calcium can help? Maybe look into that? I am so very sorry she (and you) are going through this.
Hi, thanks for your reply! I'll definitely look into crushed tums, thank you so much for the suggestion.
Do you have durvet calcium in hand?
You want to keep the prolapse moist so either coconut oil or ky jelly
But I would wait till some experts get here to help
I’m not sure if pushing the prolapse back in with sb egg there is a good idea but keeping it moist until help arrives
Hi, thanks for your help! I don't have any to hand but I'll look into it and see if I can get some this afternoon. In terms of keeping it moist, would olive oil do the trick or should I make sure it's coconut oil or ky jelly?
Thanks again

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