Desperately need help with Cockatiel advice!! URGENT!!

lost my cockatiel that way when I was little.
Our FD would help for free (20+ yrs ago) so just call and ask.

it was a hoot to see them riding the ladder truck with nets calling "pretty bird! I'm a really pretty bird!" The FD could get close but he would fly.

I hope he came home today.

call and ask the FD never hurts to ask
not home yet. Unfortunately we live in the middle of woods. We rigged up a very large pole to try to get him to fly down. He would just fly to another tree!! His cage is still outside with the door open and food inside. His favorite treat is sitting on top. Surely, he has to get hungry sometime? Not sure exactly which tree he is in right now, but he will start calling every once in a while.

Still praying he comes down!
I dont know how long he'll make it outside. Thank god its summer time right now..

Did you tell the people that you are watching him for? maybe they might want to know...i know i would. Maybe he'll come to their voice? speaker phone? I dont know...just throwing anything out there..

If he moves to a smaller tree i'd climb it and try to get him down..
I saw once where a person got a recording the bird calling and lured one back into the cage with the calls. I dont know if it would work with a cockatiel but it might be worth a shot. I hope you catch him
This happend to me once our bird was out on the porch and his cage got tipped over somehow. He flew into our neighbors tree one day then would be in a different tree every day. Try not to scare it it might fly away further. Just be patient. Ours survived 4 days three nights and throuh a thunder and lightening storm. One day he was down on a low branch in a tree near someones roof so my dad got on the roof and called him over... he must have been starving he started to try to eat the shingles. He just flew into his cage and started to eat his food. Hope you catch him! Good luck.
he's my nephew's bird. My sister and her family are on a sailboat for the next 4 days so no reception.

I am just sickened. I think I'll go outside again and call him again....
My cockatiel got loose once and flew into the trees. He never came home. We tried everything. We even put his mate in a cage outside in the hopes he would come to her. I hope yours comes back to you.
I have parrots that I regularly let outside to play around in the trees. They will fly around and around but always stay pretty close and I don't leave them unattended but I have a cage of parakeets that one has gotten out of several times. She has even been out overnight but she always comes back to her cage when she is hungry and then I grab her up. Hopefully he will come back!! I will send some prayers for you!!!!!!!

eta- If you know where he has roosted at night then you can get your DH to climb the tree to get him. They are calm like chickens in the dark enough to grab them....
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