Desperately need help with my poorly boy!


In the Brooder
5 Years
Oct 23, 2014
North Yorkshire, uk
last week one of my hens died unexpectedly. The only symptom she had was a slightly pale comb which i put down to her moult and the weather. Around the same time, my Orpington boy's comb began to turn blue at the tips. He also was showing. No other symptoms until today when his condition has drastically deteriorated. He has been inactive all day, just stood around with his feathers piffed up, although he was still eating and drinking normally. However, I just went to go lock the coop for the night and he wasn't inside, he was just stood in a corner of the run, his tail drooped down and his feathers puffed up. He didn't even attempt to struggle when I picked him up (which is usually a near impossible feat). His comb is even more blue now and has a white patch on one side. His eyes look normal, no secretions from the nostrils, there is a small amount of faeces stuck to his bottom but he hasn't been loose. I have had to put him in he coop with the others because I have no where else for him right now and I don't want to leave him out in the cold. He went straight into one of he ground level next boxes :( he looks like he's on his last legs, and now I'm thinking that whatever is wrong with him is probably what killed my hen and is likely to kill the rest too. I have no idea what to do to help him or to prevent the others getting sick! Please help!
How old is he? I would try to bring him inside the hose for warmth tonight. Check his skin for evidence of mites or lice. Feel of his crop for any impaction (fullness) or food present. Feel of his keel bone (breast bone) to feel if he has lost weight. If he is rather young (under 20 weeks) coccidiosis could be a problem. Do you worm your chickens? If you can get him to drink some electrolyte solution ( or put a pinch of salt and 1 teaspoonful (5 gm) of sugar into a liter of water, and see if he will drink or you can give it with a dropper. Most chickens will eat a chopped egg if have any appetite at all.
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Thanks, he's just over a year old. I left him in the coop over night and when I let him out this morning he got himself out of the coop and helped himself to food and water as he normally would so he deffinitly seems better than last night, however his comb is still very purple/blue and he sneezed this morning as well :s the others are still looking for and healthy. I checked them and the coop for mites and lice, none to be seen. He hasn't lost any weight. I last wormed them a few months ago so they may be due again, I'll try that. I'll try the electrolyte thing too and I'll bring him inside of he deteriorates throughout the day. Is there anything else I could try?

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