destruction and disposal orders HELP

Just a thought John

When your flock clear quarantine on the 4th of July and return all negative tests, I wonder if it is worth seeing if CBS will do a follow up to the story? Especially considering the date.

At the moment it rests at 1. destroy order issued, 2. reversed, 3. flock quarantined and I believe it needs to have closure with 4. flock passed quarantine, tested negative throughout and had the owner not spoken up would have been destroyed.

My thoughts are that it needs to be shown that the decision to destroy was not only a hasty one which was luckily reversed but that is was also the wrong one and had it gone ahead all of your babies would have been destroyed for no reason.
Good idea !
'notice of quarantine', on June 9th, commonwealth of va, dept of agriculture and consumer services, division of animal and food industry svcs

'destruction and disposal order', on June 11th, commonwealth of va, dept of agriculture and consumer svcs

on june 9th, va doa showed up an hour or so ahead of the usda

on june 11th, it was simultaneous
Did they send a letter to "destroy and despose" ? Or just show up and serve you like a summons ?
I'm not sure if there is any vinegar in the traditional kimchi (my mom is the kimchi expert) but I do know it's loaded with LOTS of great bacteria. Whenever I am sick I go for a big bowl of kimchi. It's great stuff.
I like it, sauerkraut, too.....and I have kefir grains I use daily....but not feeding to my peckers !
They do get greens & kale daily..
I'm late to the party, but I just read through this whole amazing thread and am so pleasantly surprised at the outcome. I'm glad your birds are still with you!

I know a lot of folks have said AI isn't in the news enough, but I don't know, I seem to keep hearing it on the radio and seeing it in print and online all over- and it's not even in our part of the country (yet). I've been worried about my little backyard flock all spring. My 8 girls are just pets, and it's been a closed flock for over 2 years, but I am constantly worried about what potential diseases/infections/contaminants I could be bringing home from the feed store, horse barn, etc. I know someone mentioned taking biosecurity precautions up through sterilizing car tires, but that just seems like a virtually impossible standard to me. I have a pair of boots that I only wear in and out of the yard and coop/run, but the chickens free range and people drive cars and walk on our driveway, which the chickens range over. How could we possibly protect them from anyone who drives up to the driveway after being somewhere else? Right now, we've decided that a life without free ranging ever just isn't fair to them, but if (when?) AI shows up here, I guess we'll sadly have to rethink that.
From what I have studied (and been told) is that an infected bird (Canada goose, wild duck, song bird, pelican, seagull, etc) can fly over your place, poop, and there you are, you now have infection (the virus) on your premises.
It is now an IF, your birds get to it, you step in it & track it, and so on.
I cringe every time a flock of wild birds (any wild birds) flies over head..............
very sad indeed, by using the same reasoning, they should put down every postal worker that has come in contact with those boxes containing the eggs (sarcasm)....i like all of the postal workers that i've dealt with over the years... would be VERY sad if they had to put down their flocks because of the possibility of ai spreading because of eggs that i ordered...

seriously, i get it .... but it's NOT the ONLY option ...just the EASIER one

i'm EXTREMELY FORTUNATE for the way things have turned for me ... the good people, the people behind the scenes, the people in the forefront, ... this couldn't have happened without you!
And destroy & sterilize all the other mail & packages and the trucks & planes the packages came into contact with (LOL< yeah not funny)
this is where i first read about this story...

this is a quote from PSO
"mikey261 06-12-2015, 10:02 AM Further info to my original post: Rock River Poultry and Exotics, in Iowa shipped live birds and hatching eggs to over 75% of the states. USDA began contacting buyers as soon as the infection was officially concerned. This farm was advertising on eBay and online."

"A farm that sold via eBay and a webpage has shipped birds and eggs to over 75% of the US in the past two weeks and was confirmed with HPAI on June 9th. Already, they have confirmed cases in Arizona from live birds shipped there. It hit at least one farm in my state (Louisiana) and I am hearing California got nailed by several as well."
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LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, We interrupt this thread for a special report : This is a public service announcement. The severe shaking of the earth you just felt was not, we repeat - NOT an earthquake, volcano, sonic boom, alien invasion, or other disaster. It was merely my husband falling over in a deep faint at seeing anything associated with me being referred to as "sweet". We now return you to your regularly scheduled thread, in progress.
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Did any of you ever get a questionare from the Fed Govt, Dept of Ag in the last few years.....several pages long with all sorts of questions like
How many acres you have in crops, what kind of crops, how much is irrigated, what kind of livestock, and how many
What kind of poultry & how many..and so on.
They sent me one, I tossed it.
Then they sent a card that said it was illegal not to fill it out & return it.
I wrote "I AM NOT A FARM" and sent it in, and so far, they have not arrested me for failing to disclose my every secret.........5$2***4/!!!***excuse my cussing~~~~~~~~

ALOT of WA BYCers recieved the same questionare...and you have to ask yourselfs, How do THEY know who has poultry & who does not ?

I KNOW they know I have poultry, as I am a NPIP participant, and report my every egg sale....

WHY did I join NPIP ??? WHY ?????????????????
LADIES AND GENTLEMAN, We interrupt this thread for a special report : This is a public service announcement. The severe shaking of the earth you just felt was not, we repeat - NOT an earthquake, volcano, sonic boom, alien invasion, or other disaster. It was merely my husband falling over in a deep faint at seeing anything associated with me being referred to as "sweet". We now return you to your regularly scheduled thread, in progress.
Oh you are a kick in the pants !!!!!!!!!!


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