Devastating Raccoon Attack

If you build it they will come.
There are lulls in activity here but for the most part, I've dealt with attacks and massacres almost every year. My big problem last year were coyotes. A few years ago, in the course of a week mink killed every bird in a different building every night till I was down to a single flock.
As for raccoons, they can climb virtually anything. They are one of the few animals that can descend a tree head first. They've been filmed climbing sheer walls to reach the top of 20+ story buildings. 3" is plenty of room for even adult raccoons to enter. Least weasels and mink can get into 1" openings.

As you can see, a chicken coop and pen is no real challenge for a raccoon - or other predator for that matter.
I'm sure the raccoon lovers in these videos don't keep chickens.
If you use a “hav-a-hart” trap, tie a couple of marshmallows to the top back area. That way the raccoon has to step on the treadle to activate the trap. Also, “paw catch“ traps work well. Again, using marshmallows.
Raccoons are easy to trap as they are greedy and not very bright. Cat food in a live trap and then dispose of them. I've caught many of them. Maybe you can borrow some traps and get several at a time. I've had them crowd in before the trap went off and caught more than one at a time. They beat all for being greedy.
Raccoons are easy to trap as they are greedy and not very bright. Cat food in a live trap and then dispose of them. I've caught many of them. Maybe you can borrow some traps and get several at a time. I've had them crowd in before the trap went off and caught more than one at a time. They beat all for being greedy.
You are lucky. I have caught more cats that way than raccoons.
The year of the mink, I was seriously considering getting out of the chicken business after a week of burning chicken carcasses.

You are one of a kind.

Electric fencing is the best weapon.
I'm lucky. I put up electric wires around my coops and pens many years ago due to losses from predators and nothing has gotten past the hot wires. I have seen many predators out around the coops but once they learn about the hot wires they don't try again and I think they teach their young that a bird isn't worth getting zapped for. My wires are 10,000+ volts. Good luck...
I would be interested in how you put the electric wire up. Do you have pics?
My son has one of these traps but I'm afraid to let him set it because we have cats. Do you know if cats can get caught in them?
Dog proof traps, yes if you bait them with something a cat will eat.

Generally they are high enough it kinda limits a cat getting their paw in there but I have seen at least one house cat get in one.
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We went away on vacation and secured our 40+ chickens in their large Coop and Run we built for them last year. We came home to 13 slaughtered hens along with our incredibly brave rooster, who looks like he fought valiantly. Some quick investigation work along with an examination of the chickens indicated a Raccoon attack. We set up a game camera, locked the remaining chickens into just the coop, which is stick built with locking doors and spent a sleepless
We went away on vacation and secured our 40+ chickens in their large Coop and Run we built for them last year. We came home to 13 slaughtered hens along with our incredibly brave rooster, who looks like he fought valiantly. Some quick investigation work along with an examination of the chickens indicated a Raccoon attack. We set up a game camera, locked the remaining chickens into just the coop, which is stick built with locking doors and spent a sleepless night waiting.
This morning we pulled the scandisk to see 5 raccoons scaling the 10 ft run walls. Muddy footprints show they squeezed inbetween the run roof and the coop roof, a less than 3 inch space.

We've had chickens for almost 9 years and have never had an attack like this. We are devastated. It just shows how much we have to learn.

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night waiting.
This morning we pulled the scandisk to see 5 raccoons scaling the 10 ft run walls. Muddy footprints show they squeezed inbetween the run roof and the coop roof, a less than 3 inch space.

We've had chickens for almost 9 years and have never had an attack like this. We are devastated. It just shows how much we have to learn.

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Electric fencing works best to dissuade ground predators
We set up a very elaborate box/haveaheart trap system last night. Put the traps inside a box and covered in a hay mound. Baited with chocolate and marshmallows. They didn't even go inside for the bait, much less trip them. Bait was still there this morning.

Have you had more success?
You might have to bait them with food for a couple days before setting the trap.

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