Devastating Raccoon Attack

Raccoons are easy to trap as they are greedy and not very bright. Cat food in a live trap and then dispose of them. I've caught many of them. Maybe you can borrow some traps and get several at a time. I've had them crowd in before the trap went off and caught more than one at a time. They beat all for being greedy.
They're much smarter than you give them credit for.
Yes I told my husband we should look into that. It’s obvious whomever lived in this house previously had some because there’s yellow connector pieces throughout the fencing. I need an “electric fence for dummies” course (including how to keep humans and kids safe and diligent around it 🤣)
Tractor supply cheap and easy just install around your roost and run. I have two wires, one about 4” off of the ground and one at about a foot, even the squirrels stay away. Hardest thing about the install is getting electricity out to your run and driving the ground rod.

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