Development of USA Lavender Orpington - Update PICs pg 8

For those interested in Lavender Wyandotte's like I am should consider this. I hope to start this sometime in the coming year if my time permits. Just for kicks and giggles this is a picture of a BLRW x BO hen that I hatched a couple of years ago and she looks much like the beginnings of a buff wyandotte. So I think using a Lavender Orp with some nice Black Wyandottes which are hard to find would get me started. The rose comb is usually dominate over single comb genes.

Sorry photobucket is acting stupid right now. I'll try to get it straightened out.
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Cheryl - I know what you mean. I don't care if they lay any eggs this year either. Just looking forward to seeing them grow out well.

scgamecock - Sounds like a great project! Please keep us posted on how it goes. Good luck!
Do you mean Julia? Yeah, definitely spend more time with her. I like to sit with the nervous ones and offer treats from my hand. If they won't come close, I'll throw it about 3 feet in front of me and gradually throw some closer and closer until they feel safe coming to me. Eventually, you've got them eating out your hands and you're tripping over them. Also, holding them more often. Hold them till they settle down and are being calm, petting and talking with them. Then set them down real gentle and rub them as they walk away. They get used to the interaction over time.
The Lavender Wyandotte project is something I would love to start but I have never done anything like this before. I don't have any Lavender Orps or any Black Wyandotte's so that will be the first thing I have to do. It shouldn't be too hard to get a Lavender rose combed bird to get it started so hopefully I can get going this spring.
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Hurray for this thread!

Please pardon my ignorance- but I'm trying to understand the split black genetics... Breeding a black orp to the lav orps will make ALL black babies (carrying the lav gene)- And then what do you breed the offspring with to get lavenders? Do you just breed those split black with the lavender gene back to a lavender roo?

I am going to have some lav orps in the spring. I was planning on keeping one pen of exclusively lavs and then the other pen for the splits? Is that what most lav breeders do?

What a beautiful colour and breed. I have long wanted some BO's and never imagined getting lavenders.
Paul's Poultry is working on lavender columbian and violet laced (ooh doesn't that sound pretty?). Maybe you could contact them to get some pointers or some black Wyandottes.
Double post, woops.

I think every breed should have a lavender project going on. What a lovely colour.
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