
Nope, they sometimes will leave a massacre but if they are feeding young they could carry them off to them. Chances are whatever it was had young and thats why they are missing.
Oh I didn't even think of feeding young!

I bait with tuna it has a strong scent to attract animals.

Sadly, that is how I learn. I use game cameras now, but before I had to wait until some of my chickens were killed to know that I even had something out there. Unfortunately, my chickens have been killed free ranging so if I know by the camera whats out there, especially at night....I already know I have coyotes during the day and I've added more roosters to help somewhat with that.....I can set trap for them. Raccoons love cat food and tuna, but honestly any meat will do. Just the cans are easier to clean up afterwards. I shoot the raccoon or skunk while it's in the cage.
Def getting game cameras now so I can know wth is out there!

I am heartbroken for you, I hope you're able to find the breach in security and button it up in hopes of getting some more babies. This kind of stuff happens even to the most dedicated chicken owner, no matter how hard we try to predator-proof the castle, the desperation of predators can still prevail. In my desert we have coyote and kit fox who will dig a deep hole to get a meal. I agree with a previous poster, if that many were taken, it was likely to feed the young.
Thank you! I feel terrible :(
What stinks even more is, it's late here and we can't go out and get stuff(our tSC closes early) and we are leaving for PA in the early am! I just have to hope and pray my other gals will be ok with my mom until we get back. Then I will get a camera, and take other measures to hopefully prevent this when I get more babies.

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