Devil Chicken (Guess the breed)

I have had a silkie cockerel that was around the same age as this one, and it already had a full comb, etc....this one has an almost entirely smooth comb and the wattles hang down like 1/8 of an inch....
If that turns out to be a pullet, I will ship you a gorgeous, black skinned, mulberry combed, five toed with good toe separation, blue ears, silkie feathered with good shreddy wings, very soft, puffy cushion, cockerel you can cross her on. He is white, possibly carrying partridge. You MUST post pics of that bird every week until he/she crows or lays an egg!!!
My money is on the option that you will hear crowing and not get any eggs from that bird, ever. No way, no how.
we will see...yall say the wattles are an indication but it has no wattles to speak of and a flat comb. at 5 + months old, it would have much more comb/wattles than this one has. I think its a pullet but if its a roo it wont stay.
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Wow, I was gonna say one ugly chicken! I guess beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
I think I am also going to have to join the group of roo voters, mainly because of the tail and saddle feathers to me.

I swear I think you have the worst luck at buying "pullets" lol I think you need to wait and witness the birds laying an egg before you buy them, lol

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