deworming chickens????????????????

Seems Luke an awful expensive digestive aid, but I don't see anything listed that says this ingredient here has been SCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN to remove and or prevent worms. $45. For a bottle of stuff you administer in drinking water for 3 days every month is a bit to costly for me without proof.
Somewhere on here I had read about it, would much rather use something natural...that's my main reason for raising my own chickens. I don't know that any of the girls has worms but I have had 1 (out of the 4) who has been sickly for almost a month was lethargic with a pale comb now she acts normal but her comb is still pale and sign of mites/lice, not eggbound, no crop issues so...

Any Advice is Welcome!
Best bet is to post a new topic with any and all pertinant info including housing feed and bedding. We all want natural, I'm a massage therapist, I preach natural, but sometimes you have to go with what works best and that isn't always natural.
I don't know, maybe some areas are more prone to worms than others.... My birds are organic and free range... Never had a worm problem.... All home make foods, plenty of greens bugs and so forth....

I strongly believe if one stays balanced with nature their is no need for all the chemical crap. Using those awful chemicals on a back yard flock? Why? Might as well go buy antibotic and chemical laced factory farm eggs then..

Come on you are not commercial operators with 10's of thousands of birds at stake.... Take a risk, be observant work with nature.. Get those chicks in dirt on day one!!! Dump all that medicated garbage... Go natural
I don't know, maybe some areas are more prone to worms than others.... My birds are organic and free range... Never had a worm problem.... All home make foods, plenty of greens bugs and so forth....

I strongly believe if one stays balanced with nature their is no need for all the chemical crap. Using those awful chemicals on a back yard flock? Why? Might as well go buy antibotic and chemical laced factory farm eggs then..

Come on you are not commercial operators with 10's of thousands of birds at stake.... Take a risk, be observant work with nature.. Get those chicks in dirt on day one!!! Dump all that medicated garbage... Go natural

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