Deworming quails?

For DE to be effective you need to feed it for a full 30 days to break the life cycle, it's effective on roundworms, whipworms, pinworms, and hookworms, not sure about others. That's info I got from our vet, it applies to most pets and human beings as well. You need to purchase food grade DE for safe ingestion.
For DE to be effective you need to feed it for a full 30 days to break the life cycle, it's effective on roundworms, whipworms, pinworms, and hookworms, not sure about others. That's info I got from our vet, it applies to most pets and human beings as well. You need to purchase food grade DE for safe ingestion.
I mix a bit in with their feed. It is food grade.
For DE to be effective you need to feed it for a full 30 days to break the life cycle, it's effective on roundworms, whipworms, pinworms, and hookworms, not sure about others. That's info I got from our vet, it applies to most pets and human beings as well. You need to purchase food grade DE for safe ingestion.
It doesn’t kill tapeworms, I have an elderly dog with plumbing that doesn’t quite work anymore, and I’ve found DE helps firm her up so she doesn’t sneeze and diarrhea inside the house, but my dogs have had tapeworms twice. The first time, the vet said it was a fluke and so uncommon in our area. The regular heartworm meds don’t kill tapeworms, and Interceptor+ does, but she doesn’t carry it, then I had trouble getting it from online during covid, and they all got it again, even though I was giving them all DE to prevent it. The trick was fencing the deer out of my yard so the dogs can’t eat deer poo. So I’d say the trick to deworming is to try to keep other critters away from your Quail so they don’t come in contact with worms to begin with, and just prevent it.
It doesn’t kill tapeworms, I have an elderly dog with plumbing that doesn’t quite work anymore, and I’ve found DE helps firm her up so she doesn’t sneeze and diarrhea inside the house, but my dogs have had tapeworms twice. The first time, the vet said it was a fluke and so uncommon in our area. The regular heartworm meds don’t kill tapeworms, and Interceptor+ does, but she doesn’t carry it, then I had trouble getting it from online during covid, and they all got it again, even though I was giving them all DE to prevent it. The trick was fencing the deer out of my yard so the dogs can’t eat deer poo. So I’d say the trick to deworming is to try to keep other critters away from your Quail so they don’t come in contact with worms to begin with, and just prevent it.
For sure, fencing is worth it's weight in gold! (Especially with lumbar prices right now!) I lost 90% of my flock to dogs chewing through the fencing, I know that's kind of unrelated but, it's definitely another preventative benefit to keep unwanted animals out.
I'm not being a super great communicator today. I was really just trying to provide info for the OP in relation to you mentioning DE. I know some feed brands add it into the formula already. Mainly just wanted others who may be unfamiliar with how to use it to know the basics. 🙂
✋The feed companies that add DE to their feed is to keep grain mites out of the feed....NOT to prevent or treat any type of worm inside the bird.
I recently read an interesting article from Canada:

It seems that in breeds of poultry with lower natural resistance to parasites, it is beneficial, but is not in breeds with naturally higher resistance. But both of the test breeds on DE produced more eggs, and they were larger if I remember correctly.

since I have not seen evidence in my own Quail that they are naturally weak against parasites, they seem pretty resilient actually, I would think it is not going to make a difference. I do mix DE into my feed in small amounts because I store it outdoors and even with lids I worry about it getting infested because my land backs swamp. The DE helps keep it dry and bug free, but I only put like 5 teaspoons into 50 lbs of feed.
Oh my.
For DE to be effective you need to feed it for a full 30 days to break the life cycle, it's effective on roundworms, whipworms, pinworms, and hookworms, not sure about others. That's info I got from our vet, it applies to most pets and human beings as well. You need to purchase food grade DE for safe ingestion.
Holy moly please don't spread myths. This is just not true not possible.

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