Deworming with DE?

Yes, but.. Also a powerful de wormer I understand. (Need to study more..) It is also my understanding that quite a bit of history surrounding absinthe is more or less urban legend ..

I can not find the thread but a BYC member from England who's family has been commercially raising poultry for several generations started a thread on herbal remedies they use.. (Got to find that thread. it was really good..)

I know it's not chickens I am posting about but it probably could be:

I have massive amounts of Sweet Annie growing all over my place. It's a member of the wormwood family. I have found that the dogs that play in the pen where it grows crazily have fewer fleas and worms and ticks than the ones who play in the areas where it hasn't taken hold of yet.

I used DE for close to a year, but it didn't seem to do much on my critters. I know others have better luck with it than I did. I even tried putting various bugs in a jar with dry DE and it didn't seem to phase them at all.

My opinion is- if it works for you, use it. If it doesn't, don't.
DE or finely ground shivers of glass, there's not a dimes worth of difference in either..The old timers used glass, it was frowned upon by anyone outside of the circle..De is pretty much accepted..Just my observations, most all De users after about two years goes to a chemical wormer..

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