Deworming with Wazine?


12 Years
Jun 4, 2009
Dutchess County NY
My older hens are 3+ years old. There combs are not as red as normal and their egg production is about 1 egg every three days from 6 hens. They are lice and mite free so I was contemplating worming them. I found Wazine 17% at Tractor Supply. Is it an all around wormer? Or should I use something else?
Everybody's egg production is way down at this time of year, due to molting and short hours of daylight. Plus (at least some of) your girls are older, so both these factors are probably hitting them harder. My money is on that rather than worms.
However, wazine deals with roundworm (which is very common among chickens). You'll want SafeGuard or something similar for an all around wormer.
Everybody's egg production is way down at this time of year, due to molting and short hours of daylight. Plus (at least some of) your girls are older, so both these factors are probably hitting them harder. My money is on that rather than worms.
However, wazine deals with roundworm (which is very common among chickens). You'll want SafeGuard or something similar for an all around wormer.

I agree, they do slowdown this time of year. Last year they were giving me 3-4 a day through the winter. Their combs being not as red as usual makes me wonder about worms. Thanks for the tip about Safeguard. If I do worm them i will look for safeguard.
Go ahead and start with the Wazine - it goes in their water. Be sure to throw out any water left in the waterer the next day -- they only need to drink it for one day.

10 days after the Wazine, dose them with the Safeguard. These two together should take care of it if they have worms.

You'll want to throw out any eggs they do lay for 10 days after each medication (so 20 days straight if you follow the above) as there may be traces of the wormer meds in the eggs.
Everybody's egg production is way down at this time of year, due to molting and short hours of daylight. Plus (at least some of) your girls are older, so both these factors are probably hitting them harder. My money is on that rather than worms.
However, wazine deals with roundworm (which is very common among chickens). You'll want SafeGuard or something similar for an all around wormer.

I agree with this! great advice!..... Alot of people seem to not realize that Wazine is only for roundworms..

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