DH and son saying turkeys are too stupid

Both are against me getting some and say they are so dumb they'll drown in the rain. DH's mom had a tom when we married and it didnt drown itself, it was free range. How do wild turkeys survive if this is true? Where did this come from? I've heard other say it too. DH wont stop me from getting some but he'll sure work on me to change my mind. The yearly spring turkey debate is on!
This is the silliest saying I have EVER heard in my life. Even dumber than the lady that told me she thought her hen was pregnant!!!
Even BB turkeys are very personable and Heritage breeds are downright genius. They are sooo much smarter than chickens and ducks! Mine open feedbags, gates, ride on the golf cart, knock on the door to be fed, and beg like a dog fr treats ! My friend has a standard bronze that climbs into his pickup truck every time my friend leaves the house. If that is stupid, color me dumb!!! Shame on whoever started that lie about turkeys!!!!
and slap him n the for me!!!!
Turkey people are special. Now I'm not saying that all people with turkeys are special 'cause there are turkey raisers and turkey people... As far as stupid? no more so than some dogs I've cared for!
I dont think turkeys are dumb at all either. Curious and stuborn maybe. I opened the turkey house door this morn and its only sprinkling outside and they stepped outside for a min felt the rain and all went back in the house where they have just been roosting all morn under cover.
Turkeys drowning in the rain is one of those things that everybody knows but has never seen, because it isn't true. Turkeys are as intellegent as they need to be. Anyone who has hunted wild Turkeys will tell you they can be pretty snart.

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