Diagnosis for spots on egg


In the Brooder
Jan 8, 2022
Greetings everyone!

My name is Jason and I'm new here. I have a small backyard flock of silkies and one of the hens went broody 14 days ago. I noticed she may be rejecting this egg because the past 2 days I have found it cool to the touch and at the edge of the nest. It has formed this external ring of very rough red dots around the outside of the egg. The dots are very small, rough to the touch, and go around the egg long wise. I have candled the egg and the embryo is moving and internally things seem normal. It is 14 days now into the incubation by broody hen. Does anyone know what this is ? Any insight would be greatly appreciated!

Edit: All of the eggs that were set with this hen were normal when laid and the spots on this egg only developed in the past 2 days.



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I would say it was laid like that, not picked it up during hatching and it is pigmentation that did not apply evenly to the shell for whatever reason inside the hen. Are you concern with the hen rejecting the egg or that it may will hatch a sick chick from it?
Greetings everyone!

My name is Jason and I'm new here. I have a small backyard flock of silkies and one of the hens went broody 14 days ago. I noticed she may be rejecting this egg because the past 2 days I have found it cool to the touch and at the edge of the nest. It has formed this external ring of very rough red dots around the outside of the egg. The dots are very small, rough to the touch, and go around the egg long wise. I have candled the egg and the embryo is moving and internally things seem normal. It is 14 days now into the incubation by broody hen. Does anyone know what this is ? Any insight would be greatly appreciated!

Looks like calcium deposits. No worries.
I would say it was laid like that, not picked it up during hatching and it is pigmentation that did not apply evenly to the shell for whatever reason inside the hen. Are you concern with the hen rejecting the egg or that it may will hatch a sick chick from it?
Thanks for the reply. I can confirm that all of the eggs were normal in appearance when they were laid and this is a new occurrence. If the hen does reject the egg then I will allow that because yeah, I do not want a deformed or sick chick to hatch and I trust their instincts. I just want to know why these spots developed. I have never seen this before.
Thanks for the reply. I can confirm that all of the eggs were normal in appearance when they were laid and this is a new occurrence. If the hen does reject the egg then I will allow that because yeah, I do not want a deformed or sick chick to hatch and I trust their instincts. I just want to know why these spots developed. I have never seen this before.
It's just a pigment/calcium issue on the shell, not to sweat. Probably just a kink in the production process.
Can calcium deposits show up suddenly at day 14? All the eggs were normal and smooth with no spots when they were laid and these spots didn't show up until yesterday.
could it be hiding in the bedding so you did not see it. It would be pretty hard to pick it up unless someone dipped it in glue and than rolled it in crashed dark brown egg shells

could it be hiding in the bedding so you did not see it. It would be pretty hard to pick it up unless someone dipped it in glue and than rolled it in crashed dark brown egg shells
No, I held all the eggs myself and put them in the nest to be incubated all at the same time. I also check daily to make sure my other hen isn't sneaking any other eggs in. These spots definitely didn't show up until yesterday. I'm sure about that because I candled them at day 4, 7, and now 14 so I know what their egg shells have looked like the entire time.
Have you candled it since the dots appeared, which was what day?
If no movement, I would open it up and take a look, might give a clue.
Yes and it looks normal on the inside with movement although the movement was diminished because the egg was cool. I put it back under her to see if she rejects it again and candled again after it warmed back up and it was moving a lot more and it looks healthy from what I can see on the inside. I'm just going to let nature run its course but just don't understand what these sudden appearing dots are.

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