

In the Brooder
May 17, 2022
Two of my chickens have had diarrhoea for months and I have literally no idea as to why. The sicker of the two had antibiotics from the vet which didn’t help she sadly she then got killed by a fox. The other chicken has a red comb is active and eating but is doing these spurts of that are almost pure water and she hasn’t laid for several days. I’ve done a worm count it’s didn’t indicate worms but I’m wondering whether I should try treating for worms anyway? I gave pro biotic and tried changing the food neither helped. I am very worried, she is my favourite Hen. Any advice gratefully received.
Your location can give us important clues. So what is your location? UK, Australia or Canada? Climate? Is it hot and humid?

Since coccidiosis can cause diarrhea, I would treat the flock with a coccidiostat. It's not a drastic treatment, only blocking thiamine, so there's no reason to treat if only to rule it out.

Are these chickens behaving sick? Or is diarrhea the only symptom?
Your location can give us important clues. So what is your location? UK, Australia or Canada? Climate? Is it hot and humid?

Since coccidiosis can cause diarrhea, I would treat the flock with a coccidiostat. It's not a drastic treatment, only blocking thiamine, so there's no reason to treat if only to rule it out.

Are these chickens behaving sick? Or is diarrhea the only symptom?
Hi sorry I’m in England. I actually treated for coccidiosis and it didn’t help. I feed them Allen and page layers pellets. It’s only 1 chicken out of 4 and she is active the only things that shows she is off is she hadn’t laid an egg in 3 or 4 days (she is 2 year old so this is worrying) and she seems to have lost her top hen status to one of the other who was previously never 2 in the pecking orders. She not being bullied though and still keeping the other two below her in the pecking order.
Do this for now. Give her a calcium citrate tablet each day. It's people calcium you can get at a vitamin shop. She may be struggling with a soft egg inside her. It's not bad enough to cause her to be sick yet, but catching it early maybe you can get this resolved before it gets worse.
Do this for now. Give her a calcium citrate tablet each day. It's people calcium you can get at a vitamin shop. She may be struggling with a soft egg inside her. It's not bad enough to cause her to be sick yet, but catching it early maybe you can get this resolved before it gets worse.
I did this for two days it didn’t help. I don’t thinks she’s egg bound as by day 4 I think she would be going down hill fast. She is perky and energetic you wouldn’t think any was off.
Two of my chickens have had diarrhoea for months and I have literally no idea as to why. The sicker of the two had antibiotics from the vet which didn’t help she sadly she then got killed by a fox. The other chicken has a red comb is active and eating but is doing these spurts of that are almost pure water and she hasn’t laid for several days. I’ve done a worm count it’s didn’t indicate worms but I’m wondering whether I should try treating for worms anyway? I gave pro biotic and tried changing the food neither helped. I am very worried, she is my favourite Hen. Any advice gratefully received.

I came here looking for advice too as I have the same situation with one of my hens, although she is older than yours. (4 or 5, I think)
Diarrhoea has been present for about 6 weeks. She seems fine in herself and is going about her normal business but has not layed for the last 4 weeks.

I was thinking of trying this....Beryl’s Friendly Bacteria but am a bit unsure about feeding bacteria (even if it is friendly) to my girls. Has anyone tried it? Is it likely to help with diarrhoea?

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