Diary & Notes ~ Air Cell Detatched SHIPPED Chicken Eggs for incubation and hatching

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Awe mrs Sally I'm sorry bout your hen ):
Thanks, she wasn't really mine though, she just showed up, I think she had the best last few months of her life here!
she was the only bird we had "free" and its so cool to have them just free range and come when they see you or call them.
I knew she was gone, she didn't come tonight at lock up and she wasn't already in like she was sometimes.
Of course the kids hollard for half hr and Harmony screams horrible and runs screaming crying into the house.
it wasn't a pretty site from afar you could tell she was dead, all you saw was yellow feet straight up, enough to make Harmony flip out.
She calmed down when I told her that her body is all there she wasn't ripped apart, and then they buried her.
I don't know what her fate would have been come NPIP testing time, it was in the back of my mind but now I am sorta glad I don't have yet another worry.

Thanks, she wasn't really mine though, she just showed up, I think she had the best last few months of her life here!
she was the only bird we had "free" and its so cool to have them just free range and come when they see you or call them. 
I knew she was gone, she didn't come tonight at lock up and she wasn't already in like she was sometimes. 
Of course the kids hollard for half hr and Harmony screams horrible and runs screaming crying into the house.
it wasn't a pretty site from afar you could tell she was dead, all you saw was yellow feet straight up, enough to make Harmony flip out.
She calmed down when I told her that her body is all there she wasn't ripped apart, and then they buried her.
I don't know what her fate would have been come NPIP testing time, it was in the back of my mind but now I am sorta glad I don't have yet another worry.

Awww.. I would probably flip out too if I saw that. I hate seeing dead animals. But I'm glad you were able to make her last months so happy!


Here's a funny comic to cheer you up :)
I know some have pips, whats going on......

this is the calm before the storm of chicks!

Sally I'm sorry to hear about your hen, those are the worst days. I haven't been on here since late yesterday, and I have a lot of post to catch up on. I set my duck, turkey, and guinea eggs in the incubator about 15 minutes ago, and 8 of my chicken eggs under a broody oeg hen about three hours ago. She went to the nest instantly and hasn't budged yet. I'm always impressed with the broody instinct in game hens and silkies. I had game and silkie crosses once, and I couldn't keep them off my eggs. I'm going to put my remaining chicken eggs in the incubator after seven more days, hopefully they'll be ok in seven more days. Does anyone have any tips on how to keep eggs alive while waiting to set them. They are 4-5 days old as of now and will be around the 11-12 day mark when they go in. I have a friend who hatched some three week old ones, but he kept his refridgerated until time to put them under a hen. Mine have been in shipping and then in my basement at 65-70 degrees for days now, and i'm not sure cooling them down now is a good idea. Any thoughts?
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