Diary & Notes ~ Air Cell Detatched SHIPPED Chicken Eggs for incubation and hatching

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so this is one of the reasons Mrs Oz and I are apart. Way cuter than even a baby goose

oh how Gorgeous!!!
OOOPS! So, after tapping and float testing, I chipped open the air cells of the last two eggs. The first one was a late quitter. Day 16 or 17. The other one...oopsie. Still alive!!! I accidentally tore the membrane a little, so there's a leeetle bit of blood, but I misted the 'bater up really good and stuck the egg back in. I don't know if it would have hatched to begin with, it seemed kind of lethargic . No tapping, it failed the float test, so I got a little too vigorous. Hopefully I haven't damaged it too bad! So from 4 OEs, 2 AME/ORPs, and 4 CLs, I have 2 (maybe three) OEs, 2 AME/ORPs, and 0 CLs. Ah Murphy. You suck.
oooops is right!
ancona duck eggs!!! 17 and shipped! NO ROLLING or LOOSE AIR CELLS!! 17 of them!!

I love SAS!
So I set them tonight along with some P/brahma and a ton of silkies for sara!
oh and there are 4 turkey and some eggs from Chooks in there too!
Who said the hatchalong is over?

For once I don't have it double stacked! and I don't see that happening since some go into lockdown on wed! he he he
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