Diary & Notes ~ Air Cell Detatched SHIPPED Chicken Eggs for incubation and hatching

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Goosey actually got herself in quite the situation yesterday. I use milk jugs with holes cut out for their water and yesterday I decided to make one with a bigger hole so that Goosey could fit her head into it. Bad idea! I went out there a bit later and found her in the jug when one leg sticking out. The hole for her head was only 2 or 3 inches. I don't know how that huge month and a half gosling managed to fit in there..
I had four hens in the quarantine before selling them (easier to catch!). The woman kept calling the morning of the sale to postpone another day, another few days... And I kept wondering why I wasn't getting eggs. They had been squeezing their big bodies into a four inch hole (I left the rabbit nests in) to lay their eggs!
Sally told me to join you guys. I saws that she invited some others today, too.
I thought I was special!

Someone on this thread thinks they are NOT SPECIAL!

EVERYONE GIVE MC a WARM WELCOME and the ball and chain please, MC right or left foot?
welcome to the madness
I used to ride bikes, but I stopped when I got pregnant. I really miss it though! I had 4 bikes over the years, my last one turned into 2 LOL Lucked out there when I bought a bike from a friend's BF he pointed to another bike he had, in pieces, and said "You can have that one as well" "That one" turned out to be '65 model Yamaha Twin 650. Only problem (for me) was she was chopped, big time. I'm not crazy about custom bikes...
99.5 is good for turkeys. I can only recomend that you leave them to hatch in your regular incubator. Mine do much better this way, the resent the change. If needed, I don't even pull out the other eggs, I just up the humidity once the first pips internally. It doesn't seem to harm the other eggs, even though they aren't ready for lockdown.

I only have one Ancona girl left (but 4 boys
) after that huge dog attack last Novemeber. The first court date for that is this month.
OMgawd that is still going on! your poor thing! get that weight off your shoulders once and for all! gosh darn people are idiots! awwwwww Well I sure could fill your ancona number back up if you were closer! awwww
Motorcyle Chick, you are special, that's why you were invited!
Besides, with a handle like that, I've just got to get to know you!

I love motorcycles. I had a 1967 Honda Dream 305 I adored, but it got swipped 2 years ago. Now I have a hot pink scooter.
HA! A designer at work used to bring hers to work, hers what purple! she was so fun!

Then someone pulled out in front of her and she sold it in a few hours!
Last I heard of the bike was "At least I don't have to worry about bugs on my white dress suite anymore" bawahhahhahhaaaaa
Motorcyle Chick, you are special, that's why you were invited!
Besides, with a handle like that, I've just got to get to know you!

I love motorcycles. I had a 1967 Honda Dream 305 I adored, but it got swipped 2 years ago. Now I have a hot pink scooter.
Hot pink, huh? You are sure to be seen and remembered.
I used to ride bikes, but I stopped when I got pregnant. I really miss it though! I had 4 bikes over the years, my last one turned into 2 LOL Lucked out there when I bought a bike from a friend's BF he pointed to another bike he had, in pieces, and said "You can have that one as well" "That one" turned out to be '65 model Yamaha Twin 650. Only problem (for me) was she was chopped, big time. I'm not crazy about custom bikes...
I can see that. I can't see chopping a small bike at all.
I used to ride bikes, but I stopped when I got pregnant. I really miss it though! I had 4 bikes over the years, my last one turned into 2 LOL Lucked out there when I bought a bike from a friend's BF he pointed to another bike he had, in pieces, and said "You can have that one as well" "That one" turned out to be '65 model Yamaha Twin 650. Only problem (for me) was she was chopped, big time. I'm not crazy about custom bikes...
do u see a lot of bikes over there sumi and what about SA
I just sold my Wide Glide. With a new baby on the way, I decided I didnt need to be riding with all the crazies on the roads.
I agree Doug, I refuse to ride anymore. When I was 17 my boyfriend layed his over with me on the back and then we took it in the snow and well, we had another bad. And then I married the fool and in his late 20's he had someone pull out in front of him and he got hurt good, a month later my dad was seriously injured someone pulled out in front of him and to this day lives with pain as almost every bone in is upper bod was broken.
Ok, I hope I'm doing this right. I've got my shipped turkey, duck, and guinea eggs sitting in egg cartons with air holes cut into the cartons, and a space in between each egg for better air flow. I have three thermometers in with them that are calibrated together, one on top of the eggs and two laying at the middle of the eggs, resting on the egg cartons. My incubator is still air, and the temp on top of the eggs is around 102, while the ones at mid level are around 99.5. My air cells all seemed to be in good shape, so I'm hand turning my eggs around every 3-4 hours. Does it sound like I'm doing this right?
Quote: When I started riding I told myself the moment I put that helmet on I become invisible. Motorists can't see me and pedestrians can't see me. So I anticipated cars pulling in front of me and pedestrians stepping into the road etc and I was prepared for it when it happens. I remember the last time I went out on a bike I saw a car pull into the road and I thought, out of habit, "that guy didn't see me, he's going to pull out in front of me" and that is exactly what he did! By the time he saw me we were inches apart and that only because I swerved, assuming, correctly, that he didn't see me. I scared the carp out of that guy LOL But we didn't crash...

Sally, the bike scene in SA is huge. The weather's great and we have fantastic roads and routes for bikers. Here we saw a few bikes and once a small group on a Sunday morning run, but it's not very popular. I guess with it raining 350 days a year...
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