Diatomaceous Earth and Peppermint Oil

I don't know what the DE would do against mice, but peppermint oil, while smelling nice for a few days, quickly fades. I have tried it to keep insects from coming though my window screens at night, but it doesn't work at all.

I have had very good results using moth balls to discourage mice from nesting in my wood box on my front porch. It doesn't smell as nice as peppermint, but it lasts for a year and isn't expensive. I would wrap the moth balls in cloth bags to prevent chickens from picking them up.
DE is not worth your money, for any use.
Peppermint oil does NOT actually get rid of or repel mice.

Both of these are really marketing tools, nothing more.

If you're having a mouse problem, I recommend checking out Scott Woods on YouTube. He does testing of nearly every type of trap, bait, natural product, etc.
Bottom line, you need to just kill the mice.
DE is not worth your money, for any use.
Peppermint oil does NOT actually get rid of or repel mice.

Both of these are really marketing tools, nothing more.

If you're having a mouse problem, I recommend checking out Scott Woods on YouTube. He does testing of nearly every type of trap, bait, natural product, etc.
Bottom line, you need to just kill the mice.
Really? I've been put DE down on my coop floor before spreading new bedding for years and let the chickens mix them together through their scratching. I NEVER had bugs, either in the coop or on my birds.

So I guess the bugs believe the BS too, which is fine by me!:gig
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Really? I've been put DE down on my coop floor before spreading new bedding for years and let the chickens mix them together through their scratching. I NEVER had bugs, either in the coop or on my birds.
Just because you've never had bugs is not proof the DE repelled or killed them ;)
Now if you did have bugs and the DE killed them that might be another story.

SEAN (or Shawn?) Woods on YouTube
Yes, Shawn Woods.
Really? I've been put DE down on my coop floor before spreading new bedding for years and let the chickens mix them together through their scratching. I NEVER had bugs, either in the coop or on my birds.

I have been carrying my "anti-dragon" rock in my pocket for years. Never seen a dragon, so it must work! It is for sale if you want it. :thumbsup

I also sell a sludge I call Winterfresh-DE. It smells great and is super gritty if you eat it. Keeps everything away, especially husbands/wives. :oops:

Just kidding!
DE is not worth your money, for any use.
Peppermint oil does NOT actually get rid of or repel mice.

Both of these are really marketing tools, nothing more.

If you're having a mouse problem, I recommend checking out Scott Woods on YouTube. He does testing of nearly every type of trap, bait, natural product, etc.
Bottom line, you need to just kill the mice.
omg I love his videos! And his brave team of pet stunt mice. :clap

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