
lol,,, sorry,,,, im glad i got a digital thingy-ma-jig ,, was biggest reason i hated the styro bators,, turning something a little for me, is like 30 degree difference

man im glad to see everyone with dickeys,, is coolies
Have patience...that cabinet is bigger than that styro box....look at the Dickey as a huge Battleship in the harbor...it will take the ship awhile to turn around in the harbor....slow process.
I want to see your first batch of chicks.....Good Luck!

I worked with it for like 2 hrs, my dh came home and had it perfect in 30 mins. Then After it sat for 30 mins, I tried to set the front one, I got it close, my dh came it turned it once and now it is perfect. It's been holding perfect for about 14 hrs now! Fingers crossed that you get yours calibrated soon!
Hubby got my incubator set up and got temps and humidity just right. When my hatcher came in last week, he wasn't home, so I had to do it myself. It really was alot easier than I thought. I was so proud of myself.
Just be patient, and remember, you can always call Mr. Dickey if you don't understand. He's really good about that.

Ok it is on 95.5 and there for about 1/2 hr. and the light is still blinking

OK called Mr. Dickey and it is supposed to stay blinking
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Yes , mine blinks all the time and according to the instructions if it has a electronic thermostat and the wafer back up it will continue to blink if you have made right connections wwith the wafer when in stalled.

Mr. Dickey did say that if you are hatching in the summer time and the temp is really hot outside it may go off sometimes then because of the outside temp.
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It is supposed to stay blinking because it is a neon indicator light, wired to the hot side of the heater circuit.

When the heater switches on, so does the light, and vice-versa.

If it stops blinking, unless the ambient is over 99.5, you have a heater that is not working.

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